Install some Libs
- use THIS python for below commands, so we get argparse + all these libs:
- /opt/common/CentOS_6-dev/python/python-2.7.10/bin/python
- download/install cmo package
- git clone
- python install --user
- download/install magic package
- tar -xvf and python install --user
- download/install pyvcf
- tar -xvf and python install --user
Expected formatting
MAF input requirements
Requires standard TCGA MAF columns (
- Hugo_Symbol, Entrez_Gene_ID, Center, NCBI_Build, Chromosome, Start_Position, End_Position, Strand, Variant_Classification, Variant_Type, Reference_Allele, Tumor_Seq_Allele1, Tumor_Seq_Allele2, dbSNP_RS, dbSNP_Val_Status, Tumor_Sample_Barcode, Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode, Match_Norm_Seq_Allele1, Match_Norm_Seq_Allele2, Tumor_Validation_Allele1, Tumor_Validation_Allele2, Match_Norm_Validation_Allele1, Match_Norm_Validation_Allele2, Verification_Status, Validation_Status, Mutation_Status, Sequencing_Phase, Sequence_Source, Validation_Method, Score, BAM_File, Sequencer
Requires MSKCC specific columns:
- n_ref_count, n_alt_count, n_depth, t_alt_count, t_ref_count, t_depth
If subsetting the bedfile chromosome labelling must match the variant file style chr1 vs. 1, MT vs. M etc.
Pre-normalized datasets must be left aligned and processed using VT (