
Tmux plugin to open the last non-empty command output in a pager.

Primary LanguageShellISC LicenseISC


Tmux plugin to open the last non-empty command output in a pager.


To install with tpm, add the following to your Tmux configuration file.

set -g @plugin 'mskelton/tmux-last'



A regex pattern to identify command separator. Required.

set -g @tmux-last-prompt-pattern '> '


The key that should be bound to open the last command output. Defaults to t.

set -g @tmux-last-key t


The number of lines consumed by the prompt. If your prompt takes up two lines, you could set this to 2. Defaults to 1.

set -g @tmux-last-prompt-lines 1


The pager to use for the captured output. Defaults to $PAGER.

set -g @tmux-last-pager 'less'


When enabled, enables colorized output by passing escape codes to the pager. To use this, you may need to update @tmux-last-pager so your pager command accepts escape codes.

set -g @tmux-last-color on
set -g @tmux-last-pager 'less -r'