
the dropbox version of Thanks

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Hackbright final project

This is a webapp designed to use internally at your company. It provides a central place for employees to post recognition for other employee's work, whereas it might go unnoticed otherwise. You have a main feed where all posts are displayed. Clicking on either a team or specific person will show more specific information, as well as any posts they have been tagged in. A great way for new employees to see what everyone has been working on.


This is a Python webapp using a Flask framework. The data is stored in SQLite using SQLAlchemy as the ORM. The front end is done with JavaScript using jQuery, HTML, and custom CSS.


Home page to view all posts. Optimized to turn mobile some day

Individual user pages to see contact information and all kudos sent to that user

Team pages to view everyone on each team. The bottom of the page will display kudos that team has been tagged in.

Setup on your machine

  1. Clone the repo locally

  2. Create virtual env

    $ pip install virtualenv
    $ virtualenv --python=python2.7 env
    $ source env/bin/activate
  3. install requirements from requirements.txt

    $ pip install -r requrements.txt
  4. Copy "settings_example.py" to "settings.py" and modify the values.

  5. Create database:

    $ python db_create.py
  6. Edit db to include your necessary info to login and view index.html. NOTE: must use your actual email

    $ sqlite3 data/app.db
    > insert into users default values;
    > update users set email="YOU@EMAIL.COM", firstname="FIRSTNAME", lastname="LASTNAME", username="USERNAME"  where id = 1;
  7. Start the web server


This is bare minimum to get site running. No avatars will be shown, you will be the only option for tagging, and there will be no user/team relationships. You can add more users/teams to the database manually for more options. The database schema can be found in models.py.