
Logging in to auth0 using authorization_code flow

Primary LanguageC#


This repo demonstrates how you can log in to auth0 using username + password using Authorization Code flow.

As part of our automated smoke tests, we want to be able to simulate a user logging in. This code does that.

It took me a while to figure out how to do this, so in this repo i'm capturing my learnings.


This code requests a token.

            var token = await _fixture.Login(new LoginSettings()
                Authority = new Uri("<<url to your auth0 tenant>>"),

                // Without an audience, you'll get a token that cannot access anything
                // and is only valid to request userinfo. 
                Audience = "<<audience here>>",

                Auth0Tenant = "<<tenantid here>>",

                ClientId = "<client id here>>",

                // Haven't been able to get it to work without a client secret
                ClientSecret = "<<client secret here>>",

                // The redirecturi that you have configured for your application
                // Note, this URL does not have to be valid, as long as it's registered with auth0,
                // as requests to it will get intercepted
                RedirectUri = new Uri("<<redirecturi here>"),

                // If you use a custom auth0 connection to store your user, put it here
                Connection = "Username-Password-Authentication",
                Scopes = new[] { "openid", "profile", "email", "role" },

                UserName = "<<username goes here>>",
                Password = "<<password goes here>>"

Open Questions

I still need to pass client secret value to exchange authorization code, though I have no idea why.