

Primary LanguageHTML


Team ApplePeelerCorerSlicer

The issue:

During winter in Colorado, one of the biggest decisions people are forced to make on a daily basis is deciding which ski resort would be the most fun to go to on any given day. Snow conditions, driving times, weather, ski pass availability, and other factors can make this extremely complicated.

Problem Statement:

Team Apple Peeler Corer Slicer (APCS) will create a web app product that will make all its users’ ski trip experiences better in ways that specifically tailor to each user’s preferences.

How to Run the Server and Open Blizzard Kicker

  1. Install node.js and mongodb
  2. launch your mongodb server on the default port
  3. cd into APCS-BlizzardKicker in your terminal and type npm run watch
  4. go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser

File Structure

APCS-BlizzardKicker/ ├── app.js ├── BlizzardKicker Demo Movie.zip ├── docker-compose.yml ├── Dockerfile ├── homepage.html ├── jenkins │   └── scripts ├── Jenkinsfile ├── layouts │   └── layout.pug ├── map.js ├── models │   ├── resorts.js │   └── users.js ├── node_modules │   ├── ... ├── package.json ├── package-lock.json ├── README.md ├── routes │   ├── cave.js │   ├── datapull.js │   ├── index.js │   ├── learn_more.js │   ├── login.js │   ├── register.js │   ├── userPrefs.js │   ├── viewData.js │   └── viewSkiData.js ├── Scraping │   └── skiDataScraper.js ├── start.js ├── styles │   └── css ├── test.txt ├── users.htpasswd └── views ├── cave.pug ├── form.pug ├── index.pug ├── learn_more.pug ├── login_error.pug ├── login.pug ├── prefs.pug ├── profile.pug ├── register.pug ├── reg.pug ├── status_API.pug ├── viewData.pug └── viewSkiData.pug

Additional Notes

Mac Instructions

  1. Run brew install mongodb
  2. brew install node
  3. cd into your APCS-BlizzardKicker
  4. brew services start mongodb
  5. npm run watch
  6. Go to http://localhost:3000

Docker is an additional way to run!

It allows you to run everything on any computer without running mongo or node

Docker Instructions

  1. Download and install docker https://store.docker.com/search?offering=community&type=edition for your specific device
  2. cd into your APCS-BlizzardKicker folder
  3. docker-compose up -d --build
  4. Whenever you make changes run docker-compose up -d --build again to see them update
  5. To stop the service run docker-compose down

To run with docker, set env to DATABASE=mongodb://mongo:27017/BlizzardKickerDev

to run locally, set .env to DATABASE=mongodb://localhost:27017/BlizzardKickerDev