
Github Stats Collector

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

gsc Release Linter

Github Stats Collector is a tiny cli that helps to collect stats for public repositories.

Screenshot 2020-07-07 at 03 41 29


The quickest way to start: docker run mskutin/gsc get --help

Install binary

Platforms supported:

Mac OS X
wget -c https://github.com/mskutin/gsc/releases/download/v0.3-alpha/gsc-darwin-amd64.tar.gz -O - | tar -xz && \
mv gsc /usr/local/bin/gsc

Installation on other platforms may be different.

Build from source

Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/mskutin/gsc

Build with go

  • go build
  • ./gsc help

Build with docker

  • docker build -f build/package/cli/Dockerfile . -t gsc
  • docker run gsc get --help


Repository stats can be retrieved by calling a get command:

  gsc get [flags]

  -f, --format string   --format tsv (default "csv")
  -h, --help            help for get
  -r, --repos strings   One or more repositories: 'gsc get -r mskutin/gsc'
                        See help for more examples.


By default gsc interacts with GitHub API anonymously. Since GitHub's default request rate is only 60 req/h you may run out of this limit shortly. You can set GITHUB_TOKEN and GITHUB_USERNAME environment variables to authorize gsc in GitHub.


get statistics for one repository:

1) gsc get -r mskutin/gsc
2) gsc get --repos=mskutin/gsc
mskutin/gsc,https://github.com/mskutin/gsc.git,Maksim Skutin,2020-07-07 05:43:31 +0000 UTC

get statistics for multiple repositories:

1) gsc get -f tsv \
    -r mskutin/gsc \
    -r mskutin/nginx-fluentd \
    -r helm/charts
2) gsc get -r=helm/charts,mskutin/gsc
3) echo "helm/charts,mskutin/gsc" | xargs gsc get -r
mskutin/gsc,https://github.com/mskutin/gsc.git,Maksim Skutin,2020-07-07 05:43:31 +0000 UTC
helm/charts,https://github.com/helm/charts.git,Maxime Brunet,2020-07-07 11:51:58 +0000 UTC


gsc get [flags]

  -f, --format string   --format tsv (default "csv")
./gsc get -f tsv \
    -r mskutin/gsc \
    -r helm/charts \
    -r github/hubot 
name	clone_url	last_commit_author	last_commit_date
mskutin/gsc	https://github.com/mskutin/gsc.git	Maksim Skutin	2020-07-10 20:10:52 +0000 UTC
helm/charts	https://github.com/helm/charts.git	jabdoa2	2020-07-11 17:39:23 +0000 UTC
hubotio/hubot	https://github.com/hubotio/hubot.git	Misty De Meo	2019-04-17 04:49:47 +0000 UTC

By default, gsc uses csv format output.
The following types of output are supported:

  • csv
  • tsv
  • table