QMM - Quantized Matrix Multiplication


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add https://github.com/msladic1/QuantizedMatrixMultiplication.jl

Project Description

This project is the first step in introducing multiplication of Quantized Matrix with Regular Float Matrix, in Julia.

The first part of the project consists of turning Float32 matrix to Quantized version. The code of these functions can be found in quant_functions.jl file. Quantization is based on this paper Microscaling Data Formats for Deep Learning by Rouhani et. al.

The second part of the project is focused on implementing multiplication of this quantized matrix with regular floating point matrix. This code can be found in multiplication.jl file.


This package offers functions that will turn regular Float matrix into a Quantized matrix, where values are of type Int8. The file run_example.jl provides examples of usage also.

To get quantized matrix, two functions need to be called:

pack(quant_matrix, scales)

Parameters * quant_matrix * and * scales * are return values of * convert_to_quant_matrix * function. First function will quantize float values to Int8 precission. The secon function will pack that matrix into a QuantMatrix, which consists of Chunks of 4 quantized values and their quantization scale.

To multiply QuantizedMatrix with regular Float precission matrix it is sufficient to do

result = quantized_matrix * regular_matrix