Scala Project Template

License GitHub version

This is a handy starting point for Scala/Java console apps built with SBT. Projects are built with Scala 3 (dotty).

This project is licensed with CC0, which puts this project into the public domain. Please delete the LICENSE file for any projects you create based on this template project, unless you want them to be in the public domain as well.

For more information about this project and SBT, see the SBT Project Setup lecture on

dottyTemplate Bash command

Copy this to a directory on the path (like /usr/local/bin/), and call it dottyTemplate:


# Clones dottyTemplate and starts a new SBT project
# Optional argument specifies name of directory to place the new project into

if [ "$1" ]; then DIR="$1"; fi
git clone "$DIR"
cd "$DIR"
rm -rf .git
git init
echo "Please edit, build.sbt and publish.sbt right away"
echo "After you create the remote repository, type this:"
echo "git branch -u origin/master"
echo "git add -A"
echo "git commit -m "Initial checkin""
echo "git push"

Make the bash script executable:

$ chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/dottyTemplate

To create a new SBT project, run the script.

$ dottyTemplate my-new-project

Using GitHub?

GitHub Pages

dottyTemplate sets up the GitHub pages branch for your new project. Before you can use it, edit build.sbt and change this line so your GitHub user id and project name are substituted for the placeholders yourGithubId and my-new-project:

git.remoteRepo := ""

Now you can publish the Scaladoc for your project with this command:

sbt ";doc ;ghpagesPushSite"

The Scaladoc will be available at a URL of the form:

Try Hub!

With hub and dottyTemplate you can create a new SBT project and a matching GitHub project with only two commands. The setup documented below will supply your GitHub username and password, and will only prompt your for your 2-factor-authentication (2FA) token each time you run it if you set up your GitHub account to use 2FA.

Install Hub

Install Hub on Mac OS:

$ brew install hub

Install Hub on Linux:

$ sudo -H pip install hub

Put your GitHub login credentials in ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile. Also alias hub as git (hub also executes git commands):

export GITHUB_USER=yourGithubUserName
export GITHUB_PASSWORD=yourPassword
alias git=hub

Reload ~/.bash_profile

$ source `~/.bash_profile`

... or reload ~/.profile

$ source `~/.profile`

Using dottyTemplate with Hub

Create a new SBT project and create a new GitHub project, which hub automatically adds as a git remote:

$ dottyTemplate bigBadProject
$ git create -d "Project description"
two-factor authentication code: 881078
Updating origin
created repository: mslinn/bigBadProject

Now check in the new project:

$ git add -A && git commit -m "Initial checkin" && git push -u origin master

Running the Program

The bin/run Bash script assembles this project into a fat jar and runs it. Sample usage, which runs the Hello entry point in src/main/scala/Hello.scala:

$ bin/run Hello

The -j option forces a rebuild of the fat jar. Use it after modifying the source code.

$ bin/run -j Hello