
This is another react starter app for the purpose of showing how to incorporate more types of hooks, manage multiple screens, and create reusable components.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

App Description

The GuessANumber app has you provide a number that the computer tries to guess.


This is a starter project that highlights using different kinds of hooks, managing multiple screens, managing multiple states, and removing business logic from presentational components.

Build Requirements

Follow directions at: https://reactnative.dev/docs/environment-setup

Use the expo cli quick-start tab. You can follow the necessary steps in the react-native cli tab as well, but this won't be needed for this project.

Running the Expo Project

  1. Clone Repo
  2. Run npm start in project directory
  3. You have many options of running the app now
  4. enter i or a into the terminal to run the app on an ios or android simulator respectively
  5. You will be redirected to a page in your browser called the Metro Bundler which gives you options of running the app on simulators or on your own device
  6. To run on your own device, install the expo app onto your phone and scan the qr code