

Primary LanguagePython


This repo contains python code to implement a website which accepts webpage link and returns number of tokesn on that page. It is implemented using two processes: *

  • web: a web server implemented in Flask, which prompts for the html link, calls a background worker which computes number of words on that page
  • worker: a background process which accepts html link and computes number of words on the page, located at that link

Note that web and worker processes communicate via Heroku managed reddis queue.

Deployment on Heroku

Create Heroku account, if you do not have one yet.

Download and install the Heroku CLI.

Clone the repository Use Git to clone count-words-in-url's source code to your local machine.

git clone https://github.com/msmelyan/count-words-in-url.git
cd count-words-in-url

Direcotry contains web/ and worker/ subdirectory which implements corresponding processes. There is also Procfile in the root directory that specifies the commands to deploy processes. Those processes get compiled into Heroku containers, known as dynos.

Log in to your Heroku account and follow the prompts.

$ heroku login

Make some changes to the code you just cloned, if desired, and commit them

git add .
git commit -am "make it better"

You can create the application in Heroku by running the following command:

# create application
heroku create count-words-in-url

Running the above command initializes the Heroku application, creating a Git remote named heroku. Next, you can push the Git repository to this remote to trigger the building and deployment process:

After pushing the master branch to the heroku remote, you’ll see that the output displays information about the building and deployment process:

# point to remote heroku repository
heroku git:remote -a count-words-in-url

# compile code heroku dynos (containers)
git push heroku main

We also deploy managed redis service

# deploy redis
heroku addons:create heroku-redis

We can also scale both dynos on a some number of Heroku instances (1 in this case

heroku ps:scale web=2 worker=2 -a count-words-in-url 

When you are done, you can destroy application, as follows

heroku apps:destroy --app count-words-in-url --confirm count-words-in-url