
PHP-FUSE backed FTP filesystem with cache

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION


php-ftpfs is a wrapper bringing together php, libfuse and curl to provide you with a FTP-served filesystem.


  • 64-bit system - a 32-bit system WILL have issues with files larger than 0x7FFFFFFF or 2.1 GB.
  • FTP server MUST support the MLST/MLSD commands according to RFC3659 and the underlying file system MUST supply at least the file mtime; atime and ctime are optional but recommended. FEAT MUST show MLST!
  • halfway current Linux kernel, libfuse and libcurl. In theory, any system supported by libfuse can be used, but it has not been tested.
  • working build system including autoconf, automake and friends
  • all build dependencies of bare PHP, additionally needed are libfuse-dev and libcurl-dev
  • Non-snapshot or non-release builds will require git.
  • Around 100MB of free disk space for the build, 20-30MB for the install


Either clone the repository from https://github.com/msmuenchen/php-ftpfs.git or grab a snapshot and unpack it. Now change into the unpacked directory.

Ensure you have every needed package. In Debian (maybe also Ubuntu), these will be:

  • git
  • build-essential
  • autoconf and automake
  • bison
  • curl libcurl4-gnutls-dev
  • fuse libfuse-dev

Your distribution might use other or at least similar names. Don't worry if you accidentally miss a dependency, the setup script will first make sure everything can build before actually installing php-ftpfs.

Then, run ./setup.php. This will install php-ftpfs binaries in /opt/phpftpfs/ and the binary itself in /usr/local/bin/ftpfs. If you for some reason need to use a different location, use --bin-dir to provide a directory with a bin/ subdirectory, where the ftpfs binary will be installed, and --inst-dir to provide a directory for the binaries.


Remove $bindir/bin/ftpfs and $instdir.


Basic: ftpfs /path/to/mount -o ftp_url="ftp://ftp.example.com/"

Help: ftpfs -h (or -H to also include libfuse help)

Runtime options

The basic requirement is a mountpoint and FTP server information. You can supply either a full-featured FTP url with -o ftp_url="ftp://user:pass@host:port/remotedir" or supply the bits separately with -o ftp_user, -o ftp_pass, -o ftp_host, -o ftp_port and -o remotedir. Values separately passed do not need any encoding, but the FTP url must use urlencoded values. If they're not, you'll notice.

Values can be omitted, in which case defaults are used, so the only real requirement is ftp_host.



Metadata is cached for getattr() / getdir() by default for 60 seconds. To disable, use -o cache_maxage=0; I recommend setting it at least to 5 seconds even on high-variable sites and something around 1800-3600 if you're the only user on the site (like when you're on a web server).

File contents

If you specified -o cache_dir=/path/to/dir (relative paths UNTESTED), then php-ftpfs will create a subdirectory for each connection using this cache dir. It is suggested that you only use one cache_dir for all your ftpfs mounts.

The files are named by their pathname, followed by the mtime and the file size, separated with the underscore symbol.

Files ending in -dirty are files for which a handle has been opened and stuff has been written to it, but flush() or release haven't been called yet.



On 32-bit systems, you WILL encounter problems with files larger than 2GB, because PHPs int is 31-bit plus sign.

php-ftpfs is not thread safe. Even if php was built with --enable-maintainer-zts, php-ftpfs will force libfuse to run in single-thread mode. Do not supply -m to php-ftpfs. The most likely result you get by doing this is data loss.

Do not include the FUSE extension in any other SAPI than CLI or maybe embed, if that is still maintained.

Always do backups using a regular ftp software. I recommend lftp for the job, as it can do mirroring. While there is quite robust error handling present in php-ftpfs, FTP itself is not concurrency-aware and can not do locking!

Even with -o big_writes and -o max_read and -o max_write set to 10000000, the maximum block size is something around 130K. The reasons for this erratic behaviour of libfuse are unknown. If you want better performance, activate the cache.


Some errors can be spotted by lauching php-ftpfs with -f, as they are force-written to the screen even without the debug options. If nothing can be seen there:

php-ftpfs supplies you with a lot of debug options. When tracing down a bug, generate a logfile using -o debug -o debug_curl and if the bug doesn't have anything to do with big file read/write, also include -o debug_raw. Note that debug messages are mixed to STDOUT and STDERR, catch them all with appending > logfile 2>&1.

Please replace your password and your username, as they WILL appear in the logs! There is NO way for php-ftpfs to filter them out of the logs!


  1. Write tests, if such tests are possible at all with an automated test system
  2. Support servers using only LIST instead of MLS(D/T)
  3. Get a filesystem test suite and run it to verify php-ftpfs.
  4. Use a metadata cache (done)
  5. Use a file cache (done)


Just fork and file a pull request, or file an issue and upload a patch, or just file the issue. I'm happy with everything.

Please run ln -s ../../pre-commit.php .git/hooks/pre-commit after initial checkout so that you'll get notified in case your commit has syntax errors.

Also, before committing, please run ./format-all.php to format the code nicely.


This software is licensed under the PHP license, see LICENSE file for details.

I am not sure about the legality of the names "php-fuse" and "php-ftpfs".


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Mail to marco@m-s-d.eu for questions.