
CN Codeial App

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React-based Social Media website.

Sample Output


Things Learned

  1. jwt-decode for handling login and authentication
  2. Learned React Hooks, Custom Hooks
  3. Local Storage for keeping the application data


  1. Login record maintenance and refresh handling (via rechecking the expiration of JWT stored in local storage)
  2. Create and post a new Blog post.
  3. Like a post
  4. Comment a post
  5. View Friends List
  6. Add/Remove friends
  7. Search Peoples using the search bar


A. Phase 1

  1. Like click is not getting updated in realtime.
  2. Sometimes view user profile crashes - Handle user is not present
  3. Settings page Link is not present.
  4. Replace react-toast-notifications - with react-toastify

A. Phase 2

  1. Option to like comment
  2. Show Friend Name - Email and Profile Icon in FriendList
  3. Unit Tests

B. Phase 1

  1. Revamp Styling of All components
  2. Chat functionality

C. Phase 1

  1. Host self backend

D. Phase 4

  1. Host front-end