
FlashComm--Light-Comm is an innovative analog communication project that converts audio signals into light for transmission and back into sound, employing LED-based modulation techniques to ensure clear, noise-free signal reception.


Welcome to FlashComm--Light-Comm, a project designed for analog communication that converts audio signals into light, transmits them using a simple LED, and then converts them back into electrical signals for output through a speaker. This project demonstrates the application of modulation and demodulation techniques to ensure effective signal management with minimal noise interference.

Table of Contents

Project Overview

FlashComm--Light-Comm explores the fascinating realm of analog communication by using light to transmit audio signals. This project uses basic components like an LED and a photodiode to convert audio signals into light and back into electrical signals, showcasing the practical application of modulation and demodulation techniques to minimize noise and enhance signal clarity.

Key Features

  • Audio to Light Conversion: Converts audio signals into light using an LED.
  • Light Transmission: Transmits the signal via light, which can be captured by a photodiode.
  • Light to Audio Conversion: Converts the received light signal back into electrical signals and outputs through a speaker.
  • Modulation Techniques: Implements effective modulation and demodulation techniques to manage signal quality and reduce noise interference.


Since FlashComm--Light-Comm primarily includes a PDF report and does not require installation, you can clone the repository and directly access the report.

Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/msnabiel/FlashComm--Light-Comm.git
cd FlashComm--Light-Comm


The main content of this repository is a detailed PDF report that provides insights into the project. Follow these steps to access and review the report:

  1. Download the PDF Report: Once you have cloned the repository, navigate to the directory and locate the PDF file.
  2. Open the Report: You can open the PDF file using any PDF reader.
# To open the PDF directly from the command line on macOS
open FlashComm--Light-Comm_Report.pdf

# To open the PDF on Linux
xdg-open FlashComm--Light-Comm_Report.pdf

# To open the PDF on Windows
start FlashComm--Light-Comm_Report.pdf

Technical Details

FlashComm--Light-Comm leverages the principles of analog communication to achieve seamless transmission of audio signals through light. Below are the primary components and processes involved:

Components Used

  • LED (Light Emitting Diode): Converts the electrical audio signal into light.
  • Photodiode/Phototransistor: Captures the transmitted light signal and converts it back into an electrical signal.
  • Amplifier Circuit: Amplifies the weak electrical signals received from the photodiode.
  • Speaker: Outputs the converted electrical signals as audio.

Modulation Techniques

  • Amplitude Modulation (AM): Used to modulate the amplitude of the light signal in accordance with the audio signal.
  • Demodulation: Converts the received modulated light back into an audio signal with minimal noise interference.

Signal Management

  • Noise Reduction: Ensures that the transmitted signal is clear and free from noise interference through careful modulation and filtering techniques.
  • Signal Integrity: Maintains the integrity of the audio signal from transmission to reception.


The repository includes a comprehensive PDF report titled "FlashComm--Light-Comm_Report.pdf". This report covers the following topics in detail:

  • Project Overview and Objectives
  • Component Description and Setup
  • Signal Modulation and Demodulation Techniques
  • Experimental Setup and Results
  • Challenges and Solutions
  • Conclusion and Future Work


We welcome contributions to enhance this project! If you have suggestions or improvements, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch: git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name.
  3. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -am 'Add some feature'.
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/your-feature-name.
  5. Create a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. For more details, please refer to the LICENSE file in the repository.


Syed Nabiel Hasaan M

Thank you for your interest in FlashComm--Light-Comm. For any questions, suggestions, or issues, please feel free to contact me.