
Analyzes illegal access data retrieved with WordPress plugin Crazy Bone

Primary LanguageCSS

Crazy Bone Analyzer

Analyzes illegal access data retrieved with WordPress plugin Crazy Bone


Crazy Bone must be installed and activated on your WordPress site.


  1. Download Zip and unarchive it, or git clone https://github.com/msng/crazy-bone-analyzer.git
  2. cd crazy-bone-analyzer
  3. Get composer.
    curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
  4. Install components via composer.
    php composer.phar install
  5. Make compilation_cache/ directory writable by PHP.
  6. Copy config.php.default to config.php and edit the config file to fit your WordPress database setting.
  7. Set the document root to webroot/ or access there directly (the latter option might need some code updates to resolve require paths.)
  8. Enjoy.