
Paper repository for "On the Adaptivity of Stochastic Gradient-Based Optimization"

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains all Python code to replicate all numerical results in our paper On the Adaptivity of Stochastic Gradient-Based Optimization.

Python scripts

The folder python/ contains all python code:

  • methods.py implements all methods considered in the paper, including SCSG, SVRG, SARAH, Katyusha(ns), SGD and GD;

  • objective.py implements the loss function and the gradient function of multi-class logistic regression;

  • process_data.py is the script to transform external data into our standard data format: "XXX_A.npy" for the design matrix, "XXX_y.npy" for the class labels and "XXX_params.p" for other information. Due to the storage constraints, the raw data is excluded from the repo;

  • expr.py is the script to run experiments on one dataset and one stepsize. See ./expr.py -h for the options;

  • post_process_expr.py post-processes the experimental results from expr.py by choosing the best tuned stepsize and recording the corresponding results for each dataset. It also outputs the best tuned stepsize for each method into "XXX_besteta.p";

  • compute_optim.py computes the optimum value f(x*) by running SCSG with 5000 effective passes of data with the best tuned stepsize from "XXX_besteta.p" and outputs the result into "XXX_optim.p";

  • expr_plot.py generate all figures;

  • utils.py implements a few helpers

Replicating the Experiments

The folder jobs/ contains all files that facilitate job submission to the cluster.

  • SCSG_expr_params.txt contains all 126 combinations of datasets and stepsizes

  • Running the following code in a SLURM system to submit jobs

mkdir results
mkdir log
sbatch SCSG_job.sh

Please contact lihualei@stanford.edu for further questions.