
Encode like brower does, Unicode-aware, scheme-agnostic replacement for urlparse

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This module is a fork of the uritools.

This module defines replacements for the most commonly used functions of the Python 2.7 Standard Library urlparse and Python 3 urllib.parse modules.

>>> from urilib import urisplit, uriunsplit, urijoin, uridefrag
>>> parts = urisplit('foo://user@example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose')
>>> parts
SplitResult(scheme='foo', authority='user@example.com:8042',
            path='/over/there', query='name=ferret', fragment='nose')
>>> parts.scheme
>>> parts.authority
>>> parts.userinfo
>>> parts.host
>>> parts.port
>>> uriunsplit(parts[:3] + ('name=swallow&type=African', 'beak'))
>>> urijoin('http://www.cwi.nl/~guido/Python.html', 'FAQ.html')
>>> uridefrag('http://pythonhosted.org/uritools/index.html#constants')


Copyright (c) 2014, 2015 Thomas Kemmer. Copyright (c) 2015 IGARASHI Masanao.

Licensed under the MIT License.