
Novicell default GULP setup, for making SVG sprites, optimizing images, compiling LESS/CSS and more

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Novicell Frontend

Novicell Default Frontend package is a framework for your frontend setup and a Gulp based boilerplate for optimizing your frontend flow. It includes a BEM'ified version of Bootstrap's bare necessities (LESS), for starting your new website's development. When setup, it also helps you optimize images, combine SVGs to a sprite, compiling LESS to CSS and minifying Javascript.

Table of content

Quick start

Browse to your project folder and clone the repo git clone https://github.com/novicell/novicell-frontend.git. Then run npm install and then run gulp for the build proccess to start.


  • Download and install Node.js v. 4.x.x (https://nodejs.org/download/)

  • Download and install Git (http://git-scm.com/downloads) Remember to check "Git bash here" in context menu options

    To check if node is working, go to Gitbash / Terminal and type node -v If you get a version number, you'r good to go.


First navigate to your website and install novicell fronend package:

cd "c:\Visual studio projects\project-name\Project.Website"
npm install github:Novicell/novicell-frontend
npm install

What is GULP

GULP is a streaming build system - or short for:

"I'll take care of minifiyng the images, scripts, styles and icons

  • now you just focus on doing what you do best: CODE!"

How to use GULP

First navigate to your website

cd c:\"Visual studio projects"\project-name\Project.Website
  • To build whats already in there (runs the build task): gulp
  • To never touch the cmd window again (runs the watch task): gulp watch
  • To Stop/Restart GULP: CTRl + c

All tasks can be run like: gulp <task name>.

Tasks in this package

The following tasks are available:

  • build - Runs all the tasks defined in: gulp-config.json > tasksToBuild

  • clean - Deletes the files/directories defined in: gulp-config.json > pathsToClean

  • rebuild - Runs the clean task, and then the build task.

  • styles - Minifies and bundles CSS files defined in: gulp-config.json > bundles > {bundleName} > styles

  • scripts - Minifies and bundles JS files defined in: gulp-config.json > bundles > {bundleName} > scripts

  • images - Minifies images defined in: gulp-config.json > bundles > {bundleName} > images

  • icons - Minifies and generates a svg sprite, from the icons defined in: gulp-config.json > bundles > {bundleName} > icons

  • copy - Copies the fonts defined in: gulp-config.json > bundles > {bundleName} > fonts

  • watch

    • Runs the scripts, styles, images, icons and fonts task whenever a file has changed. The paths it listens on, is defined in the file gulp/config.json > watch.
    • Also it automatically refreshes your browser window, using livereload (port can be changed in gulp/config.json > livereload > port).

    Google Chrome Plugin: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/livereload/jnihajbhpnppcggbcgedagnkighmdlei

    • Generates sourcemaps for CSS and JS.

NOTE: The distribution path for each task, can be defined in gulp/config.json - so can the basePath.

How to use SVG sprite sheet

Use SVG's from the SVG sprite generated by GULP like the following. The #icon-lock is the ID of the current SVG in the sprite. This is based on the name of the original SVG in the /images/icons/-directory. So ´/images/icons/lock.svg` are referenced like this:

<svg class="icon icon-lock">
  <use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="/dist/icons/icons.svg#icon-lock"></use>

LESS components

A basic variant of Bootstrap LESS, converted to BEM architecture and syntax for Novicell's projects. There's a few basic setups that you will always need for all your projects. Buttons, Grid, Form elements, Tables. (Well, maybe you'll use tables). There's also an example of a component and a view, just to show how the naming convention should be, as well as how you should both write and organize your LESS files.

The grid

There's a grid based on the ideas behind Bootstrap. You can use it as you normally would, but write it a bit differently.

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col--xs-12 col--ms-6 col--sm-5 col--md-4 col--lg-12"></div> 

Notice the double dash? xs or any other breakpoint is regarded as a modifier of the column.


There's some default styling for buttons as well, including two modifiers.

<button class="button">Primary button</button>
<button class="button button--secondary">Secondary button</button>
<button class="button button--ghost">Ghost button</button>


Default styling for form inputs. In regards to checkboxes and radiobuttons, refer to the base.forms.less file.

<input type="text" class="input" placeholder="Default input">


<table class="table">

JS components

To be done

  • novicell.js
  • novicell.visible.js
  • novicell.debounce.js
  • novicell.overlay.js
  • novicell.embed.js
  • novicell.cookieinfo.js

Lazyload images

Include the novicell.lazyloadResponsive.js for lazyloading images. You need to call images like this, and then the javascript will add querystrings for the imageprocessor.web component. More filters and other settings can be found on the imageprocessor documentation.

<figure vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="ImageObject"
  <noscript class="responsiveLazyload">
      <img src="https://www.novicell.dk/media/3746/novicell_kopny.png"
      alt="Lazyload image demo"
      title="Lazyload image demo"
      property="contentUrl" />
  <figcaption property="description">Lazyload image demo</figcaption>



  • None!


The Novicell Frontend is licensed under the MIT license. (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)