
An example X Windows OpenGL application using GLX and XSync extended frame synchronization

Primary LanguageC


glxsync demonstrates extended frame synchronization for OpenGL, GLX and Xlib apps targetting Xorg or Wayland.



glxsync is an X Windows OpenGL application using GLX and XSync extended frame synchronization.

This demo responds to synchronization requests from the compositor in response to configuration changes, and updates extended synchronization counters before and after frames to signal to the compositor that rendering is in progress so that buffers read by the compositor are complete and match the size in configuration change events.

This allows the compositor to synchronize rendering of window decorations with rendering of the client area to eliminate tearing during resize. This demo also receives frame timings and pings from the compositor and uses poll timeouts and non-blocking IO on the XEvent queue to adjust inter frame delay to target a specific frame rate.

The demo depends on the following X11 window property atoms:


Implementation Notes

These notes outline implementation details for the following concerns:

  • Extended Synchronization
  • Non-blocking IO
  • Frame Pacing
  • Flow Control
  • Congestion Control

Extended Synchronization

The primary issue causing visual artifacts during window resizing is that window decorations and client buffers are updated asynchronously by separate agents, with the window manager responsible for updating decorations and the client application responsible for updating the client buffer. If the rendering of the decorations and the client area are not synchronized then one will see uninitialized buffer contents in the client or decoration area.


This is solved using the extended frame synchronization protocol in which supporting clients advertise to the compositor by exporting the _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST atom in the _WM_PROTOCOLS property along with the IDs for two XSync counters in the _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST_COUNTER property.

The first counter is used for basic synchronization which is a mechanism for synchronized updates in response to ConfigureNotify events. The second counter is used for extended synchronization, which in addition to being used for synchronized updates in response to configuration changes, provides a more general mechanism that can be used for synchronization of regular frames.

The compositor detects clients that advertise extended synchronization from the presence of the two counters. The first counter is ignored when extended synchronization is being used. During window resizes the compositor sends _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST messages containing a synchronization serial number that is used to initiate synchronized rendering. These synchronized render requests begin three phase updates:

  • serial number stored in the extended counter in the ConfigureNotify event.
  • extended counter incremented to an odd value mod 4 in begin_frame to indicate rendering is in progress.
  • extended counter set to to the initial value plus 4 in end_frame to indicating rendering is complete.

The events for a synchronized window update look like this:

  • ClientMessage
    • synchronize (message_type == WM_PROTOCOLS && data.l[0] == _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST)
      • store synchronized rendering serial number:
        • sync_serial = data.l[2]
  • ConfigureNotify
    • resize
      • signal synchronized rendering initiated:
        • sync_counter(dpy, extended_counter, sync_serial + 0)
  • Expose
    • XFlush
      • make sure last frame has been flushed.
    • draw_frame
      • run user code to draw the frame.
    • begin_frame
      • signal buffer contents for serial number are rendering (urgent):
        • sync_counter(dpy, extended_counter, sync_serial + 3)
    • swap_buffers
      • the frame buffer contents are volatile at this point.
    • end_frame
      • signal buffer contents for serial number are now complete:
        • sync_counter(dpy, extended_counter, sync_serial + 4)
  • ClientMessage
    • frame_drawn (message_type == _NET_WM_FRAME_DRAWN)
      • drawing at this point is not safe because frame presentation has not been scheduled (buffer has not been copied).
  • ClientMessage
    • frame_timings (message_type == _NET_WM_FRAME_TIMINGS)
      • drawing at this point is safe frame because frame presentation has been scheduled (buffer has been copied).

Normal and urgent frames are differentiated by incrementing the extended counter by either 1 or 3.

  • (counter % 4 == 1) - normal frame rendering in progress.
  • (counter % 4 == 3) - urgent frame rendering in progress.

See the Frame Synchronization link in the references for a more complete description including disambiguation of basic and extended synchronization.

Non-blocking IO

A prerequisite for extended synchronization with frame pacing is a non-blocking event loop. A typical X11 application eventloop calls XNextEvent to read events from the event queue but XNextEvent will block if the event queue is empty. The XLib ConnectionNumber(dpy) interface exists to retrieve the file descriptor for the X Server connection to enable implementation of polled IO, but file descriptor readiness is not sufficient to determine whether calls to XNextEvent will block because the XLib event queue buffers events internally.

One must precede calls to XNextEvent with XEventsQueued(dpy, QueuedAlready) to retrieve the number of buffered events without triggering IO. If there are no buffered events, poll the descriptor for readiness, and when ready call XEventsQueued(dpy, QueuedAfterReading) to prime the event queue buffer.

Ideally Xlib would expose an XNextEventTimed interface that takes event queue buffering into consideration. Note there is potential for erroneous implementations due to misuse of XPending, XSync or XFlush, which themselves can trigger IO. There are situations where it is necessary to call XSync or XFlush but they are distinct from polling events.

Frame Pacing

Frame pacing builds on polled IO with timeouts and high resolution timing interfaces such as clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) to target precise moments in time when frame draws are to be initiated so that frames can be drawn at a constant frequency in the general case.


Frame pacing can target a specific frequency in a steady state when there is capacity to maintain rendering at that fixed rate. In support of frame pacing, there also needs to be a flow control mechanism responding to render bandwidth issues due to scene complexity and congestion control in response to collisions between scheduled rendering and user interaction causing reconfiguration requests that require instantaneous rendering.

The high-level event loop looks like this:

    for (;;)
        /* wait until next frame or next event */
        while (XEventsQueued(d, QueuedAlready) == 0)
            switch (wait_frame_or_event(d, w)) {
            case event_ready: break;
            case frame_ready: submit_frame(d, w, frame_normal, frame_rate);

        /* process event queue without blocking */
        while (XEventsQueued(d, QueuedAlready) > 0)
            XNextEvent(d, &e);

Frame draw interval and render times are recorded in two circular buffers:

  • frame_time_buffer[31]
    • sampled at start of draw_frame and holds the reciprocal of the frame rate.
      • frame_delta = current_frame_start - last_frame_start
  • render_time_buffer[31]
    • sampled at end of swap_buffers and holds the CPU render time per frame.
      • render_delta = current_frame_end - current_frame_start

Presently the frame_draw delta is used to estimate the finish time of urgent frames to schedule the start time for resumption of paced frames. These frames may of course be further delayed by more urgent render requests. When capacity is exceeded and synchronization is enabled i.e. timing for the last frame has not been received, then submit_draw will add 2 milliseconds to the scheduled present time and check back then to see if it is safe to submit a new frame.

Flow Control

Flow control relates to the mechanism for response to steady state variability in scene complexity and bandwidth using observed CPU and GPU draw timings from draw_frame() and present timings from swap_buffers(). When observed steady state frame rate deviates from a targeted frame rate a flow control strategy must be employed to adapt the frame rate.

With extended synchronization, the compositor will send frame drawn messages (XClient.message_type == _NET_WM_FRAME_DRAWN) and frame timing messages (XClient.message_type == _NET_WM_FRAME_TIMINGS) that indicate when a frame with a specific serial number was drawn and when it is to be presented.


glxsync employs a simple strategy whereby it will not start drawing a new frame until it has received timings from the previously submitted frame. This was observed to be necessary based on testing. Superficially this may appear to make frame submission synchronous, but a clever driver is still capable of allowing multiple frames in flight at once by returning promises i.e. frame timings messages can be sent when the presentation schedule of a rendered frame is known which can be as soon as when the frame render has completed. This is a reasonable strategy for OpenGL but Vulkan rendering will likely need something more sophisticated (_NET_WM_SYNC_FENCES).


It was found that XFlush is needed to maintain flow and somewhat counter-intuitively it is called before each new frame is submitted. If one considers Nagle and flow control combined with frame pacing we can see regularity of XFlush timing when issued before each frame. If we have capacity to render at a constant frame rate, then an XFlush(dpy) marker placed at the start of the frame draw will occur at a constant time offset, subject to variable render times due to variable complexity, whereas an XFlush(dpy) marker placed at the end of the frame draw would have irregular timings needing statistics to recover the time offset.

Congestion Control

Congestion control relates to the mechanism for handling urgent rendering in response to floods of instantaneous ConfigureNotify and Expose events caused by user initiated move or resize operations that require reshaping and re-rendering of the framebuffer. These requests need special synchronization with the window manager and compositor to be drawn at a size that precisely matches the frame rendered by the client. The congestion control aspect to this problem is due to these frames displacing regularly scheduled frames.

glxsync employs a simple strategy whereby it will substitute a regularly scheduled frame at the target frame rate with an urgent frame sent instantaneously with a new schedule for the next normal frame at the measured average frame rate over the last N frames. This allows for submission of the next regularly scheduled frame at a rate that is measured to be sustainable.


The flow control and congestion control strategies combine such that steady state frames are issued at a constant rate with a flow control strategy of delaying frames until timings are acknowledged, and a congestion control strategy of urgently issuing instantaneous frames in response to configure events and scheduling the next regular frame at the soonest time that can be achieved based on measured short term average frame rate.

These two simple strategies were observed to avoid visible tears at the expense of introducing a slight stutter with a shifting time offset in response to congestion from instantaneous render requests. A more sophisticated algorithm that targets vertical blank synchronization might attempt to skew the time offset over some period to return to a constant rate that is in sync with the vertical blank offset.


glxsync depends on the following libraries: X11, Xext, GLX, GL.

sudo apt-get install libx11-dev libxext-dev libglx-dev libgl-dev
cmake -B build -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
cmake --build build -- --verbose


glxsync frame synchronization can be disabled from the command-line.

$ gl2_xsync -h

usage: ./build/gl2_xsync [options]

-h, --help              print this help message
-d, --debug             enable debug messages
-t, --trace             enable trace messages
-n, --no-sync           disable frame synchronization
-f, --frame-rate <fps>  target frame rate (default 59.94)


CPUPROFILE=prof.out LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libprofiler.so ./build/gl2_xsync
google-pprof --text build/gl2_xsync prof.out


Frame Synchronization

X Synchronization Extension

Window Manager Protocols

Root Window Properties