
Primary LanguageJavaScript

API app that takes uses a singular REST api resource and augments it to include multiple query parameters. Output is a graphql resource as well as a REST api

Source API: /blog/posts Method: ​GET Parameters: (required) The tag associated with the blog post

Returns json object: {"posts"​: [{"id"​: ​1​,"author"​: ​"Rylee Paul"​,"authorId"​: ​9​,"likes"​: ​960​,"popularity"​: ​0.13​,"reads"​: ​50361​,"tags"​: [ ​"tech"​, ​"health" ​]},...]}

This apps api: Route: ​/api/ping Method: ​GET

Route: ​/api/posts Method: ​GET

Field Type Description Default Example
tags String(required) A comma separatedlist of tags. N/A science,tech
sortBy String(optional) The field to sort theposts by. The acceptable fields are: *id *reads *likes *popularity id popularity
direction String(optional) The direction forsorting. The acceptable fields are: *desc *asc asc asc

Built using node, express and apollo server. Done to demostrate the benefits of graphql. apollo graphql server allows us to take a REST endpoint and use it as a source for queries of any arrangement that the frontend might need. We can also produce a REST api output alongside built on top of graphql.