
survey and analytics of duck feeding behaviour around the world

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survey and analytics of duck feeding habits from around the world

Showcase application by Michael Solovyov

View the live survey app here: https://msolovyov.github.io/duckfeedr/

Build Status

Divided into two parts. Reporting is the lambda functions for interacting with the aurora serverless database. Survey is the frontend application for commiting the data and retrieving it from aws lambda.

Targets: mobile browsers first and chrome on desktop.

Project Details: A scientist is trying to understand how ducks are being fed in parks around the world. She wants to collect the following information:

  • What time the ducks are fed
  • What food the ducks are fed
  • Where the ducks are fed
  • How many ducks are fed
  • What kind of food the ducks are fed
  • How much food the ducks are fed
  • Nice to have: the ability for a little old lady who feeds the ducks every day in the same way to set a repeating schedule so she doesn’t have to use the application every day The scientist would like to crowdsource this information by creating a web application where people can submit these data points. The scientist would like to be able to do reporting on the data for her PhD thesis.