
Standard Notes standalone infrastructure for the Raspberry Pi

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Standard Notes Syncing Infrastructure for the Raspberry Pi


git clone https://github.com/agmm/standalone-rpi.git && cd standalone-rpi && sudo bash ./install.sh


To connect to the syncing server, go to Account > Register > Advanced Options and set the sync domain to https://raspberrypi.local. Keep in mind that the mobile app version of Standard Notes does not work with self-signed certificates. To connect to the server from the mobile app you need to follow the next section.


By default, the current template encrypts requests to https://raspberrypi.local with a self-signed certificate generated by Caddy. You can add a custom domain by modifying the Caddyfile and supplying the corresponding certificate and key. For more information on how to do that, see this guide.


To control the Standard Notes infrastructure, execute the following commands inside the repo directory.

  • To start the server: sudo bash ./server.sh start
  • To stop the server: sudo bash ./server.sh stop
  • To see the status: sudo bash ./server.sh status
  • To see the logs: sudo bash ./server.sh logs


In order to be able to access your Standard Notes server from anywhere, without exposing it directly to the internet, we suggest the use of Tailscale.

The general setup would be the following:

  • Tailscale running on the RPi
  • Tailscale running on your devices
  • An external domain pointing to the Tailscale IP of the RPi
  • Caddy configured to handle requests from that domain


Copyright (c) 2021 Arnaldo Gabriel

This project is licensed under the MIT License.