
Powerful data mocker for python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Create lots of rich mock data.



Pydatamocker can generate relational data with values of various data types and distributions using random generation and sampling


The package bundles a few datasets in .pkl files. They can be sampled by specifying dataset.

Dataset Description Count
first_name Collection of given names ~ 20'000
last_name Collection of family names ~ 20'000

Code example

from pydatamocker import Table, Schema

sch = Schema()

users = sch.add(Table('Users', 1_000))

users.field('FirstName', { 'dataset': { 'name': 'first_name' } })
users.field('LastName', { 'dataset': {
    'name': 'last_name',
    'restrict': 3
users.field('Age', { 'binomial': { 'n': 40, 'p': 0.7 } })
users.field('SpouseAge', { 'normal': { 'mean': 40, 'std': 10 } })
users.field('Status', { 'enum': { 'values': ['Active', 'Inactive', 'Pending confirmation'],
    'counts': [23, 69, 3], 'shuffle': True } })
users.field('Bucket', { 'enum': { 'values': ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'], 'shuffle': False } })
users.field('Grade', { 'enum': { 'values': [1.5, 2.7, 3.3, 4], 'shuffle': True } })
users.field('LastLogin', { 'uniform': { 'min': '2015-02-13T8:10:30', 'max': '2021-10-30T19:30:43' } })
users.field('RegisteredDate', { 'uniform': { 'min': '2015-02-13', 'max': '2021-10-30', 'format': 'date' } })
users.field('ConstField', { 'const': 10, 'filters': [
        'multiply': {
            'const': 20
        'subtract': {
            'normal': {
                'mean': 40,
                'std': 10
        'floor': 10
        'round': 1
        'multiply': {
            'ref': (users._name, 'Grade')


df = users.getData()


You can create data through CLI by running the following command. To generate multiple tables, the argument to the --in command must be a directory containing the build configs.

python -m pydatamocker --in input-file-or-directory-path --out output-directory-path