Recordle is a bot that weekly reports Wordle-like games scores shared on a Discord channel.
Just type !recordle
in the channel where you share your Wordle parties and get the results! Be aware that the command will be deleted from the channel to prevent flooding.
For now, 9 games are available:
You may also PM the bot for the results on a specific channel you are registered to. Just type !recordle <CHANNEL_NAME>
is the channel's name without #
For now, recordle is hosted on Heroku as a worker process.
All you have to do is to invite the bot on your server by clicking on this link:
In order to work, recordle has to have access to the following permissions:
- Read messages / view channels,
- Send messages,
- Manage messages,
- Read message history
Once you've accepted these permissions, recordle will automatically log onto your discord server. By default, it will access all the public channels of your server. Of course, you've got the possibility to restrict the bot to the channel you use to share your wordle scores.