
A Python server for Raspberry Pi that serves IMU data over TCP. Uses Adafruit LIS3MDL + LSM6DSOX 9 DoF sensor I2C board. Also optionally serves GPS data from an Adafruit Ultimate GPS USB board.

Primary LanguagePython

A Python server for Raspberry Pi that serves IMU data over TCP. Uses Adafruit LIS3MDL + LSM6DSOX 9 DoF sensor I2C board. Also optionally serves GPS data from an Adafruit Ultimate GPS USB board.


To install in developer mode, including dependencies:

$ sudo pip3 install -e .

To run the server:

$ python3 rpimv/main.py
Serving on rpimv:1987 ...
2021-12-12 12:00:00.000000 acquire_imu
2021-12-12 12:00:00.000000 acquire_gps
2021-12-12 12:00:01.000000 acquire_imu
2021-12-12 12:00:01.000000 acquire_gps

or simply run the installed rpimv script from anywhere.

To test the server with a simple client:

$ python3 rpimv/client.py
Connected to rpimv:1987 ...

or simply run the installed rpimvcl script from anywhere.

The returned comma separated IMU data are:

ax, ay, az, wx, wy, wz, mx, my, mz

Where a* is acceleration (m/s2), w* is angular velocity (rad/s), and m* is magnetic field strength (uT), on all 3 axes.

The returned comma separated GPS data are:

latitude, longitude, elevation, fix quality, num satellites, UTC datetime

where latitude and longitude are in deg, and elevation is in m.

To automatically start rpimv in a terminal window on bootup, copy bin/rpimv.desktop to /etc/xdg/autostart/.