
A node.js chat application running on rethinkdb

Primary LanguageCSS

What is it

A fork of the node.js chat app by @orkj using socket.io, rethinkdb, passport and bcrypt on an express app.

Complete stack


git clone git@github.com:rethinkdb/rethinkdb-example-nodejs-chat.git
cd rethinkdb-example-nodejs-chat && npm install

Note: If you don't have RethinkDB installed, you can follow these instructions to get it up and running.

Running the application

Running the app is as simple as:

node app

Then open a browser: http://localhost:8000.

Note: If you want to override the default RethinkDB connection details, you can specify them as environment variables:

  • RDB_HOST: the RethinkDB host (default: localhost)
  • RDB_PORT: the port (default 28015)
  • RDB_DB: the app database (default: chat)

If you want to enable logging for the database queries (see debug docs for more configuration options:

DEBUG=rdb:* node app

Annotated Source Code

After checking out the code, you can also read the annotated source here.


This demo application is licensed under the MIT license: http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php