A reference implementation demonstrating microservices architecture and best practices for Microsoft Azure
- 0
- 0
Unable to set keyvault secret
#226 opened by harrchen88 - 0
CSI Api version is deprecated
#228 opened by Gordonby - 0
Application Insights script needs more context
#229 opened by Gordonby - 0
nginx-ingress is deprecated
#232 opened by jvargh - 0
Deployment Doc needs update
#233 opened by g0pinath - 1
Unable to add AAD pod identity charts through helm
#234 opened by odidev - 0
Use GitHub packages for container images
#230 opened by Gordonby - 0
Question: How does this implementation correlate to the microservices related to in the online microsoft docs?
#222 opened by mlenart1010 - 4
Reference implementation is not updated to Helm, Azure AD version etc
#180 opened by nitinkhandelwal26 - 2
Deployment issues
#217 opened by bkak - 4
Upgrade to the newest Key Vault implementation since key vault flexvol is deprecated
#177 opened by knunery - 0
- 1
- 0
helm failing to init cluster due to version / kubernetes deployment apiVersion mis-match
#205 opened by neilpeterson - 0
Multiple deployment issues
#203 opened by neilpeterson - 5
- 1
Potentially dangerous async code in the scheduler
#117 opened by fsimonazzi - 0
- 11
#185 opened by rambabu0063 - 1
- 3
- 1
[Deployment] prescribe NGinx 1.24.7 or higher
#145 opened by ferantivero - 1
Any reference to statefulset implementation
#181 opened by nitinkhandelwal26 - 6
- 2
- 0
- 0
[Helm charts] mark AI_KEY as required
#139 opened by ferantivero - 0
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 4
HTTP404 while trying to check the request status.
#144 opened by makautzn - 4
Multiple issues with the deployment document
#148 opened by magdysalem2 - 1
[Deployment] Improve Validation section
#132 opened by ferantivero - 1
- 2
- 1
fluentd in status CrashLoopBackOff
#146 opened by makautzn - 6
- 2
- 1
- 4
#127 opened by chhtw - 4
Cannot deploy delivery service
#128 opened by fawohlsc - 1
- 4
- 0
- 2
#104 opened by Stellaleigh - 0
Error building ingestion service
#101 opened by VeronicaWasson - 5
Design principles not followed
#97 opened by propellingbits - 2