A tool for deploying Azure infrastructure based on proven practices. Azure building blocks take advantage of the Azure CLI and Azure Resource Manager templates to provision collections of resources as logical units with production-ready settings.
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azbb.ps1 cannot be loaded
#434 opened by cherchyk - 1
Add support for StandardSSD disks on VMs
#407 opened by iaingblack - 1
Override hardcoded '-VM#' name suffix
#401 opened by iaingblack - 6
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Is the azbb code base still being maintained?
#429 opened by donbr - 2
Can't install abb via command prompt
#432 opened by gmanvel - 12
Error executing az status: null - vm list-skus --resource-type virtualMachines --zone false --subscription
#418 opened by vicperdana - 4
"env: node\r: No such file or directory" issue
#386 opened by easkerov - 2
Availability set issue
#430 opened by peakers76 - 4
Parameterization of certain things
#368 opened by jadesai - 1
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cannot deploy vm to region switzerlandnorth
#424 opened by rob581 - 2
cannot deploy VNet
#426 opened by rramoscabral - 1
Unable to use AZBB to deploy a VM
#427 opened by jesseloudon - 2
ERROR: az: error: unrecognized arguments: --subscription trying Tutorial 1 deploy a simple VNet
#419 opened by acanequeisban - 3
error: error executing az message: ERROR: az: error: unrecognized arguments: --subscription
#414 opened by pranavtiwari09 - 11
Broken links - Azure Building Block Tutorial -5-install-Active-Directory-using-a-VM-extension
#408 opened by MidiCoder - 1
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Issue with running azbb
#382 opened by tijmenvandenbrink - 8
Store and Retrieve Secrets in Azure Key Vault
#343 opened by hgoodrow - 8
No place to use and authenticationCertificate in http backend settings on App Gateway
#396 opened by iaingblack - 4
Editing bash file in Azure Shell not persistant
#362 opened by pkbullock - 2
VNet peering across subscriptions
#385 opened by bgs113 - 2
HttpListener Does Not Put sslCertificateName into ARM Template When Using Https Protocol
#395 opened by iaingblack - 2
installation failure
#381 opened by BilBens - 2
The Application Gateway HTTP Listener Multi-Site hostName is missing/unused
#393 opened by iaingblack - 2
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/usr/bin/env: ‘node\r’: No such file or directory message when running azbb
#375 opened by mosharafMS - 5
Support for YAML
#378 opened by vincent-chartier - 1
Using azbb from Azure Automation?
#341 opened by BrandtLassen - 1
Scenarios Multi-Tier has bad fileUri reference
#356 opened by hgoodrow - 1
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problem with intrinsic functions in the keyvault
#373 opened by sbaryakov - 1 in wiki is missing some required properties for localNetworkGateway
#371 opened by kmacphee - 2
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Is there a way to not have to list VM names in the VirtualMachineExtension vms array?
#351 opened by dave-read - 1
Enhancement: virtualMachineSettings: customData
#363 opened by chen23 - 4
Deploying a machine from Marketplace
#350 opened by merewind - 0
azbb tool in VSTS Hosted image
#349 opened - 2
Cannot install AZBB
#355 opened by FabianMSFT - 1
Tutorial 5 fails.
#345 opened by TheModin - 3
Deployment to multiple resource groups
#344 opened - 8
Deployment failed
#342 opened by jjindrich - 1
name vs computerName in VM building block
#334 opened by telmosampaio - 2