text exercise implementation

  • I implemented the Restful API and Client rest.
  • using spring boot
  • Restful API
  • Junit for test (The tests done both to check for exceptions that the cases of correct answers).


As an assertion we have chosen to show only the data:

As an assumptions, I have chosen to display the start and origin code and datetime : I have chosen to show the departure date and the arrival date, also show the time separately (as shown on the various airport scoreboards).

The code has also provided for a possible case of direct flight.

  • As Adult fare cost with currency: List of costs for each type/class with the symbol of the coin (and associate them with each route)

    • Example :

      "adultFareCostCurrency": [ "USD 936.7 low", "USD 1112.92 flex", "USD 5132.92 busflex" ]

Percentage code covered when running Test ?

As an assertion we have chosen to show only the data:

Percentage code covered when running Test ?

  • In image : ./codecovereg.jpeg If you use Maven, run the following command in a terminal window (in the complete directory) to see cover code '%' : mvn verify

How to compile ?

  • If you use Maven, run the following command in a terminal window (in the complete directory): mvn clean install

How to Run and Test ?

  • If you use Maven, run the following command in a terminal window (in the complete directory): ./mvnw spring-boot:run

Run Spring Boot application with command: mvn spring-boot:run

If you want to test URL by client service example : 'Postman'

  • Create a new POST request and as body > raw , add this

{ "departureDate": "22/04/2023", "destinetion": "SFO", "origin": "LHR", "fare": "low", "numAdults": 1, "numChildren": 0, "numInfants": 0, "numYouths": 0 }

where : "fare": "low", "numAdults": 1, "numChildren": 0, "numInfants": 0, "numYouths": 0,
using as default parameters

case of test :

  • case 1:

             "departureDate": "22/04/2023",
             "destinetion": "SFO",
             "origin": "LHR",
             "fare": "low",
             "numAdults": 1,
             "numChildren": 0,
             "numInfants": 0,
             "numYouths": 0

Case of test :

  • case 2:

             "departureDate": "22/04/2023",
             "destinetion": "LHR",
             "origin": "SFO",
             "fare": "low",
             "numAdults": 1,
             "numChildren": 0,
             "numInfants": 0,
             "numYouths": 0

Case of test :

  • case 3:
           "departureDate": "22/03/2023",
           "destinetion": "LHR",
           "origin": "SFO",
           "fare": "low",
           "numAdults": 1,
           "numChildren": 0,
           "numInfants": 0,
           "numYouths": 0
- Response  no data : []		

- For every request by client rest Post Header params :

   "Authorization" : "Basic bWFzc2ltb3Nwb3NhdG86VGhaUWZlVHo0NWJXeG1jNVhWTTRGNEtScU9ySHh5ZGw="
   "Content-Type": "application/json"
   "Accept-Encoding": "UTF-8"
   "Connection": "keep-alive"
   "Accept" : "*/*"

By Commandline 
Now run the service with curl (in a separate terminal window), by running the following command (shown with its output):

$ curl localhost:8080/api/v1/flightSearch

- If you want change port , go to :  `src/main/resources/application.properties`
Change the the property value for `server.port`