- 0
Rules App should be enabled by default in 0.8
#594 opened by ArthurD1 - 0
Prometheus – Document prometheus monitoring
#620 opened by hartym - 0
Prometheus – Check and validate metrics using the demo env / prom scrapper / grafana dashboards
#619 opened by hartym - 0
- 0
Prometheus – Choose normalized metric names and apply
#617 opened by hartym - 1
Doc: http client configuration example not working
#553 opened by ArthurD1 - 0
Looks like "G" rating is not included in the legend ?
#626 opened by hartym - 0
Implement applications dependencies: apps should declare deps to other apps and the config builder should respect the dependencies for the load order: if a depends on b, it should make sure that b is always loaded before a. It should not auto-enable dependencies: if the user config is lacking a required dependency, then the service should not start, with an explicit error.
#623 opened by hartym - 0
Sampling – As an op, I can configure each proxy endpoint override the sampling rate
#410 opened by hartym - 0
Sampling – As an op, I can configure the proxy's auditlog to globally set a sampling rate, effectively storing only a subset of the transactions that goes through the proxy
#409 opened by hartym - 0
Sampling – As an op, I can configure each proxy endpoint override if it stores or not store request data, eventually allowing to store only metadata, or headers only, or only responses bellow some size
#408 opened by hartym - 0
Sampling – As an op, I can configure the proxy's auditlog to globally store or not store request data, eventually allowing to store only metadata, or headers only, or only responses bellow some size
#407 opened by hartym - 0
Proxy / Storage : there should be a way to store and display the headers added by the proxy for the forward request (user agent, host) and it should be explicit that it was added by the proxy (for example, using + signs as a prefix in the ui)
#570 opened by hartym - 4
As a dashboard user, I should see a warning sign in the top right header if some settings are marked as development only (for example, if we're using a sqlite database)
#579 opened by hartym - 0
Proxy / Circuit Breaker : the circuit breaker user interface in dashboard sometimes breaks on manual state changes
#578 opened by hartym - 0
When a header value contains ":", (like the host if it is an ipv6 address) the frontend display cuts the value and incorrectly shows only the start of the value string.
#577 opened by hartym - 0
Document how requests are served
#586 opened by hartym - 0
- 0
Recreate favicons with new logo
#606 opened by hartym - 0
Add new logo to header
#605 opened by hartym - 0
docs: explain what is an "harp project"
#587 opened by Lenormju - 1
Documentation : Docker / localhost - Remote unavailable when trying to proxy localhost
#593 opened by ArthurD1 - 0
Config for a disabled app should raise a warning
#595 opened by ArthurD1 - 1
Cookiecutter: the template should use the latest version instead of a hardcoded one, until 1.0. And remove Poetry lockfile.
#589 opened by hartym - 0
Doc: sphinx extension for configuration reference shows strange titles for array items
#545 opened by hartym - 0
Doc: Circuit breaker configuration is not clear enough
#544 opened by hartym - 1
- 0
The circuit breaker manual user interface hides the dropdown menu bottom for the last entry ...
#582 opened by hartym - 0
As a CLI user, I should get a warning on server startup if some settings are marked as development only (for example, if we're using a sqlite database)
#580 opened by hartym - 0
As a cookiecutter template user, I want to have a better description around variable prompts, so that it is easy to understand the effect of each answers
#566 opened by hartym - 0
As a CLI user, I want to be able to run "harp server" with a "--reload" option that will watch for changes and reload (restart) the server. This must work with configuration files too.
#563 opened by hartym - 0
As a rules writer, I ant to be able to define "default" rules (maybe dunder default ?) that will run only if no other rules matched at this level.
#562 opened by hartym - 0
- 0
DX – As a CLI User, I should be able to use --set x=y or --set x y indifferently, and parsing should show an explicit error instead of an obscure exception in case of error. This should be true both for "harp start ..." and "harp server ..." (probably using the same code).
#542 opened by hartym - 1
idea: do not require ayncmy by default ?
#585 opened by Lenormju - 2
As a cookiecutter template user, I want not to be able to generate invalid python package names. The directory name should use hyphens, while the python package name should use underscores, and invalid characters should be stripped out from both. We can use hidden variables (cookiecutter double underscore) to avoid prompting
#565 opened by hartym - 0
As a CLI create project user, there is a minimal test infrastructure provided (make test, pytest, etc.)
#581 opened by hartym - 1
As a developper, I should be able to run «harp create foobar» to create an empty project based on the cookiecutter template
#547 opened by hartym - 0
- 0
As a CLI user, I want to be able to run "harp create project ..." that will use the cookiecutter template to generate an empty project, with an eventual prefilled name
#564 opened by hartym - 1
- 0
Upgrade ESLint to 9.*
#476 opened by hartym - 0
Demo – It should be easy to tune a demo environment to use a different set of config files
#402 opened by hartym - 0
Demo – It should be easy to setup a new demo environment, either locally (compose?) or remotely (helm ...)
#401 opened by hartym - 0
Cleanup – Proofread documentation
#403 opened by hartym - 1
- 0
IO Speed – As the proxy controller, I should be able to offload storage write operations to happen in background and eventually after the proxy operation has finished. Priority should be to return a response, then to store the audit log, non-blocking
#423 opened by hartym - 0
Demo – environment should be installed online, management tools should be available (grafana, prometheus, locust, ...)
#400 opened by hartym - 0
Cache – As an user, I want to have detailed informations about the cache status of a transaction
#404 opened by hartym - 0