
⚉ Repository containing my dotfiles for my Arch Linux setup, including configurations for Xserver, i3, polybar, and compton.

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⚉ dotdotdot

My Linux dotfiles, including configurations for XServer, i3, polybar, and compton.

My current setup (as of June, 2019): Rice

System Information (Neofetch'd):

OS: Arch Linux x86_64

Host: XPS 13 9370

Kernel: 5.1.9-arch1-1-ARCH

Packages: 972 (pacman)

Shell: bash 5.0.7

DE: i3

Terminal: urxvt

Terminal Font: Input Mono, xft

CPU: Intel i7-8550U (8) @ 4.000GHz

GPU: Intel UHD Graphics 620

Memory: 15755MiB


First, make backups of your current configuration files, then copy the appropriate dotfiles to your .config folder, located in your home directory.

To install my .Xresources:

cp <path to repo>/.Xresources ~/.Xresources && xrdb ~/.Xresources

I recommend changing the DPI setting for your display depending on your resolution, currently Xft.dpi : 220 which is suitable for 4k displays.