
Docker image to cross-build aarch64/armv7/armhf packages from x86_64

Primary LanguageShell

abuild-aarch64 Docker Image Docker

Docker Images:

This image can be used to cross-compile Alpine Linux packages for an arm-based system like a Raspberry Pi on an x86_64 host.

Cross-Compiling Alpine Linux Packages

At the time of writing, there is no good documentation available on how to cross compile packages for Alpine Linux. The best I could find are some posts and questions that point to this bootstrapping script which I then converted into a docker image - except I'm using as much precompiled stuff as possible.

This docker image has the environment variables CHOST, CTARGET, CBUILDROOT and EXTRADEPENDS_TARGET are set for you. That means your cross-enabled package should be able to compile just fine, if you are using one of the languages supported by GCC. Also, a custom built Rust compiler is available, but will need some adjustment to the APKBUILD files on your end. If you need any other compilers, feel free to create a PR that adds support for your programming language.