
NullAwayAnnotator is a tool that automatically fixes source code to pass NullAway checks.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


NullAwayAnnotator or simply (Annotator) is a tool that can automatically infer types in source code and injects the corresponding annotations to pass NullAway checks.

Annotator is fast, it benefits from a huge parallelization technique to deliver the final product. On average, it is capable of reducing the number of warnings reported by NullAway down to 30%. Annotations are directly injected to the source code, and it preserves the code style.

Code Example

In the code below, NullAway will generate three warnings

public class Test{
    Object bar = new Object();
    Object nullableFoo; //warning: "nullableFoo" is not initialized
    Object nonnullFoo; //warning: "nonnullFoo" is not initialized
    public Object run(boolean check){
            return new Object();
        return null; //warning: returning nullable from nonNull method
    public void display(){
        if(nullableFoo != null){
            String name = nullableFoo.toString();
            Class<?> clazz = nullableFoo.getClass();
        String name = nonnullFoo.toString();
        Class<?> clazz = nonnullFoo.getClass();

Annotator can automatically infer nullableFoo to be @Nullable and nonnullFoo to be @Nonnull. Therefore, it makes nullableFoo, @Nullable and leave nonnullFoo untouched.

Below is the output of running Annotator on the code above:

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

public class Test {
    Object bar = new Object();
    @Nullable Object nullableFoo; // resolved by Annotator
    Object nonnullFoo; //warning: "nonnullFoo" is not initialized (Annotator will not make it Nullable since the usage of this onField demonstrates the programmer assumed it is @Nonnull).

    public @Nullable Object run(boolean check) {
        if (check) {
            return new Object();
        return null; // resolved by Annotator

    public void display() {
        if (nullableFoo != null) {
            String name = nullableFoo.toString();
            Class<?> clazz = nullableFoo.getClass();
        String name = nonnullFoo.toString();
        Class<?> clazz = nonnullFoo.getClass();

Annotator propagates effects of a change through the entire module and injects several followups annotations to fully resolve one specific warning. In the example below, making foo, @Nullable requires two more @Nullable injections and Annotator automatically handles it.

public class Test{
    Object foo; //warning: "nullableFoo" is not initialized

    public Object run(){
        bar(foo); // if foo was @Nullable, we would have seen the warning: passing nullable to nonnull param
        return foo; // if foo was @Nullable, we would have seen the warning: returning nullable from non-null method
    public void bar(Object foo){
        if(foo != null){
            String name = foo.toString(); 

Annotator automatically follows the chain of warnings and finds the best solution using it's deep search technique. Below is the output of running Annotator in one run:

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

public class Test {
    Object foo; //warning: resolved

    public Object run() {
        bar(foo); //warning: resolved
        return foo; //warning: resolved

    public void bar(@Nullable Object foo) {
        if (foo != null) {
            String name = foo.toString();


Follow the steps below:

  • CSS module should be installed in the local maven repository.

    • To install it, run ./gradlew install
  • Jar file of Core module should be located at runner/jars.

    • To create the jar file run: ./gradlew fatjar

A script is provided which executes all installation tasks above. It installs CSS checker in maven local and creates the jar file of core module and moves it to the correct path. To run it, execute the command below:

cd runner/ && ./update.sh

Running Annotator

After following the installation instruction above, read the instruction here to run the annotator.