This is a SMTP docker container for sending emails. You can also relay emails to gmail and amazon SES.
The container accepts RELAY_NETWORKS
environment variable which MUST start with :
e.g :
or :
The container accepts KEY_PATH
environment variable that if provided will enable TLS support. The paths must be to the key and certificate file on a exposed volume. The keys will be copied into the container location.
The container accepts MAILNAME
environment variable which will set the outgoing mail hostname
You don't need to specify any environment variable to get this up.
Specify 'RELAY_DOMAINS' to setup what domains should be accepted to forward to lower distance MX server.
Format is <domain1> : <domain2> : <domain3> etc
You need to set the GMAIL_USER
to be able to use it.
You need to set the SES_USER
to be able to use it.
You can override the SES region by setting SES_REGION
as well.