Google CrUX App

Steps to configure Backend

  1. Make a virtual environment using the command python3 -m virtualenv env
  2. Activate the virtual environment . env/bin/activate
  3. Install the dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt. Run it within the backend folder.
  4. Set the value of GOOGLE_API_KEY in the .env file and then source it using source .env
  5. Go to the backend code folder cd backend/crux
  6. Start the development server using python runserver.

To try the endpoint on the http://localhost:8000/metrics url, pass any url as a get parameter and use the key as url. It will give the metrics as JSON.

Steps to configure Frontend

  1. Go into the frontend folder using cd frontend
  2. Install the dependencies using npm install
  3. The url http://localhost:3000/ should automatically open, if not open it in your browser.
  4. Try the app using single or multiple urls.

Functionalities implemented

  • Supports multiple urls. Add as many URLs as you want.
  • Error handling for not found URLs. Once you enter an unknown URL or a URL for which there's no data, a pop is displayed in the bottom left of the screen, showing the error message.
  • Select the metrices that you'd like to see. Only the metrices in the green are shown in the table below. Click on the chip to select/unselect the metrics.
  • Values threater than a particular threshold feature is also implemented.
  • Click on the values text in the table column to sort the values.
  • Values for different websites are displayed in different tables.