Issue with health check (NestJS)

The app can't return 200 status for health check route, unless we put another segment in @Get() decorator.

async check() {
  // ...

Then it works! If we don't put anything there, it returns 500 status.

Another issue is: if we have multiple checks, the route still returns 200 status even if one/more of them fail.

async check() {
  return await this.healthCheckService.check([
    async () => this.typeormHealthIndicator.pingCheck('database1'),
    async () => this.mongooseHealthIndicator.pingCheck('database2'),
  "status": "ok",
  "info": {
    "database1": {
      "status": "down"
    "database2": {
      "status": "up"
  "error": {},
  "details": {
    "database1": {
      "status": "down"
    "database2": {
      "status": "up"

No! Status should not be OK - one check has been failed.


Run the following command:

$ docker compose up --build

Then visit http://localhost/api/foo/healthiness.