A front-end and back-end separation authority management system based on Gin, React, Ant Design v5, Umi v4, and mss-boot. Initialized with an environment variable, it supports multiple configuration sources, simplifies database setup, and eases service startup. Features include multi-tenancy, roles, users, menus, internationalization, system config
- 929496959
- ali-pay
- Biely
- bobli2000
- chimerakangtaiwan
- Davidlin2008
- dearyangyu
- gitslaggaAmber Group
- huangylqf
- iwanlebrongopher
- Jamie2020
- L-wenchaoChongqing College of Mobile Communication
- lantingx7
- lgy1027
- libingye360
- liukeshao
- liuzhongzhen
- lwnmengjing@mss-boot-io @go-admin-team @MatrixLabsTech @WhiteMatrixTech
- moocss@thoughtbit; @apus-run; @axon-run; @teoclub
- mss-boot
- mx2913
- onenov轻子进程
- ontisme
- rangujie
- Reimia
- sifan077
- sullivan199311
- talentmail
- testaaabbcc
- thinkeng
- wxip
- xgd16
- ywstcc
- zhengdechang
- zxcvxj