nfsim - netfilter simulation environment The netfilter simulator provides a means to run netfilter code in userspace; this allows significantly easier debugging and testing of what would otherwise be kernel-bound code. nfsim is released under the GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for details. Quick start: # import netfilter code from the currently running kernel ./configure --kerneldir=<kernel directory> # build make # run ./simulator Notes on testing: * Compilation will require the docbook xsl stylesheets and dtds to generate inline help. These are provided by the following packages: Debian: docbook-xsl docbook-xml xsltproc Redhat: docbook-style-xsl docbook-dtds During the 'configure' stage, symlinks are created to the directories containing docbook data: Debian: doc/link-xhtml -> /usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/xsl/nwalsh doc/link-dtd -> /usr/share/sgml/docbook/dtd/xml/4.2 Redhat: doc/link-xhtml -> /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets doc/link-dtd -> /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xml-dtd-4.2-1.0-17 If compilation fails on one of the -help files, you may have to manually create the links (doc/link-xhtml and doc/link-dtd) to the appropriate locations: * the 'link-xhtml' symlink needs to contain xhtml/docbook.xsl * the 'link-dtd' symlink needs to contain docbookx.dtd * Simulator development was based on the 2.6 kernel code, so hasn't been tested as thoroughly with 2.4 source, but should still work fine. I'd suggest developing under 2.6 and then backporting to 2.4. * If custom netfilter modules are under test, they may rely on kernel features that are not yet implemented in the simulator. If this is the case, send an email with a link to the addon module(s) and a description of the problem. * the .config used for a build is sourced from the .config.sample in the top build directory. If your custom netfilter module needs any .config directives, add them to the .config after the 'make import' HOWTO: More information in the netfilter simlulator HOWTO: Or 'make docs', and view doc/simulator.html Authors: Jeremy Kerr <> Rusty Russell <>