
SitePen's recommended JavaScript style guidelines and .jshintrc

Code Convention

This repository describes SitePen code conventions and provides a compatible .jshintrc.

Code conventions

  1. All code names and comments MUST be written in English.


The following naming conventions MUST be used:

module returning constructor (“class”)UpperCamelCase
all other moduleslowerCamelCase
variableslowerCamelCase or _lowerCamelCase
parameterslowerCamelCase or _lowerCamelCase
public propertieslowerCamelCase
protected/private properties_lowerCamelCase
Variable typeConvention
Numeric iteratori, j, k, l
String iterator (for-in)k, key
Remover handlehandle
Error objecterror
Keyword arguments objectkwArgs
Origin, source, fromsource
Destination, target, totarget
Coordinatesx, y, z, width, height, depth
All othersDo not abbreviate
  1. All names SHOULD be as clear as necessary, SHOULD NOT be contracted just for the sake of less typing, and MUST avoid unclear shortenings and contractions (e.g. MouseEventHandler, not MseEvtHdlr or hdl or h).
  2. Abbreviations and acronyms MUST NOT be uppercase when used as a name (i.e. getXml not getXML).
  3. Collections MUST be named using a plural form.
  4. Names representing boolean states SHOULD start with is, has, can, or should.
  5. Names representing boolean states MUST NOT be negative (i.e. isNotFoo is unacceptable).
  6. Names representing a count of a number of objects SHOULD start with num.
  7. Names representing methods SHOULD be verbs or verb phrases (i.e. getValue(), not value()).
  8. Non-constructor methods that generate new objects SHOULD use the verb “create”.
  9. Magic numbers MUST either be represented using a constant or be prefixed with a comment representing the literal value of the number (e.g. if (event.keyCode === Keys.KEY_A) or if (event.keyCode === /* "a" */ 97)).


Most style convention matters are addressed by the mandated jshint options. Those that are not are listed here:

  1. Opening bracket of a code block MUST be written on the same line as its statement:

    // right
    if (foo) {
    // wrong
    if (foo)
  2. Blocks with a single statement MUST NOT be written on the same line as the opening bracket.

    // right
    if (foo) {
    // wrong
    if (foo) { bar; }
  3. The opening and closing brackets on objects and arrays MUST be surrounded by whitespace on the inside of the object literal:

    // right
    var obj = { foo: 'foo' },
        arr = [ obj, 'foo' ];
    // wrong
    var obj = {foo: 'foo'},
        arr = [obj, 'foo'];
  4. case statements inside switches that are intended to fall through to the next statement MUST end with a line containing a single comment // fall through.

  5. else and while keywords must be on their own line, not cuddled with the closing bracket of the previous if/do block. This is consistent with the use of all other block statements and allows comments to be placed consistently before conditional statements, rather than sometimes-before, sometimes-inside.

  6. var declarations that declare multiple variables at once must always put each variable identifier on its own line. This prevents variable declarations being lost inside long lists that may also include immediate assignments.

  7. The most appropriate data types SHOULD be used in all cases (i.e. boolean for booleans, not number).

  8. Files MUST end with an empty line.


  1. All public APIs MUST be commented using jsdoc, following the Closure Compiler type expressions syntax for type definitions.
  2. Comments MUST be added when intentionally making a change to code that appears wrong or inefficient.
  3. Code SHOULD be written to be as self-documenting as possible. Comments SHOULD be used to explain why a particular piece of code was written (or why it was written the way it was), not what the code does. If code is so confusing that it is not clear on its own, it SHOULD be rewritten to be clearer.
  4. Shorthand reference to a property of a module MUST use dot notation. e.g. foo/module/id.fooFunction.
  5. Shorthand reference to a property of a prototype MUST use hash notation. e.g. foo/module/Constructor#fooFunction.


Code committed to this repository should follow the jshint rules given in the .jshintrc file. Unless otherwise noted, these options MUST NOT be overridden using /*jshint*/.


  • asi: Relying on ASI is sloppy and leads to inadvertent code breakage in edge cases. Using semicolons only in these edge cases requires all authors to be aware of them and means semicolons are used inconsistently.
  • bitwise: Bitwise operators are useful in a wide variety of code and should not generally be restricted. Code reviews ensure bitwise operators are not accidentally used instead of logical operators.
  • boss: Intentional assignment within conditionals should be done by wrapping the assignment in an extra set of parens.
  • browser: Most Dojo Toolkit code is designed to run within browser environments, so predefining browser globals is desirable. Code that should never run within a browser environment should use /*jshint browser:false */.
  • camelcase: This option is enabled to ensure consistent variable naming conventions that match those defined by the language.
  • couch: Dojo Toolkit code is not usually designed to run within CouchDB environments. This may be set true with a /*jshint*/ comment for files designed to run within CouchDB.
  • curly: This options is enabled to ensure codebase consistency.
  • debug: This option is disabled because no code should be committed to the repository with debugger statements.
  • devel: This option is enabled because all platforms supported by the toolkit have the global console object, and the build system can strip console calls for production deployments. console methods are used to inform developers that they may not be using the toolkit properly.
  • dojo: This option is disabled because it defines global dojo, dijit, and dojox objects, but these objects should never be used by new code. The two globals used by the toolkit, define and require, are defined in the predef array.
  • eqeqeq: Even extremely experienced JavaScript programmers do not understand all the type coercion rules of JavaScript, which leads to subtle programming errors in edge cases. Additionally, non-strict equality can sometimes lead to confusion as to what types of input are intended to be accepted by a given statement. If type coercion is desired when performing a direct equality check, it should be done manually (e.g. "" + foo === "" + bar).
  • eqnull: Non-strict equality to null may still be performed as this is the cleanest way to check whether a value is either null or undefined.
  • es3: All code in version 2 of the toolkit runs only in EcmaScript 5 environments.
  • esnext: Code in version 2 of the toolkit should not use ES6 syntaxes.
  • evil: In order to discourage the incorrect use of eval in codebases that follow the Dojo code conventions, this option is false by default. However, there are situations where the use of eval is necessary. In these cases, this option may be set to true using /*jshint*/.
  • expr: The use of an expression statement to conditionally evaluate code is often clearer than wrapping the code inside a true conditional.
  • forin: The toolkit requires an ES5 environment, which means users may augment Object.prototype with non-enumerable properties without breaking for-in loops. Therefore, there is no reason to filter these loops.
  • funcscope: When authoring code, declaring variables as close to the point where they are first used is preferred as it helps to cluster groups of code together instead of spreading them throughout a function.
  • gcl: These are our standards, not Google’s.
  • globalstrict: Global "use strict" breaks third-party code. Since Dojo code is never executed in global scope, this should not matter, but is provided for completeness.
  • immed: Immediately invoked function expressions should be wrapped in parens for consistency and to ensure that readers of the code understand that the value being assigned is the output of the function and not the function itself.
  • iterator: The use of non-standard JavaScript engine properties violates cross-platform compatibility and future-proofness, so is forbidden.
  • jquery: Dojo Toolkit does not access global objects of other libraries.
  • lastsemic: For consistency, semicolons are required at the end of all statements.
  • latedef: Define after use is a very common pattern that occurs when two functions defined within a scope reference one-another through closure.
  • laxbreak: This has caused enough false positives in the past that it is currently disabled.
  • laxcomma: Comma-first coding style is forbidden by the Dojo style guidelines.
  • loopfunc: XXX rationale
  • mootools: Dojo Toolkit does not access global objects of other libraries.
  • moz: Dojo Toolkit code is not usually designed to run within Mozilla JS extensions. This may be set true with a /*jshint*/ comment for files designed to run within Mozilla extensions.
  • multistr: The use of multi-line string syntax virtually always results in incorrect code indentation, so is disallowed.
  • newcap: An uppercase first letter is the only way to notate an object as being a constructor that requires the new keyword, so this convention is enforced.
  • noarg: In order to discourage the incorrect use of arguments in codebases that follow the Dojo code conventions, this option is false by default. However, there are situations where the use of arguments.callee is necessary. In these cases, this option may be set to false using /*jshint*/.
  • node: The majority of toolkit code is designed to run in the browser, so this option is false by default to avoid accidental use of Node.js globals in the most common cases. Files that are designed to run in Node.js and access its global objects may set this to true using /*jshint*/.
  • noempty: Empty blocks are occasionally useful when iterating using while or when writing complex conditionals to be easier to understand, so are allowed. In the case of conditionals, it is recommended that a comment // do nothing be added to the empty block to make clear it is intended to do nothing.
  • nonew: XXX rationale
  • nonstandard: The only two non-standard globals are escape and unescape; the standard encodeURIComponent and decodeURIComponent should be used instead.
  • nomen: For consistency, dangling underscores at the ends of variables are disallowed.
  • onecase: A switch with one case should be written as an if or if/else statement for consistency. n.b. This option is obsolete in jshint.
  • onevar: Same rationale as funcscope.
  • passfail: Stopping at one error simply obfuscates other errors.
  • phantom: Dojo Toolkit code is not usually designed to run within PhantomJS environments. This may be set true with a /*jshint*/ comment for files designed to run within PhantomJS.
  • plusplus: Unary increment/decrement operators are extremely useful, widely used, and widely understood.
  • proto: The __proto__ object is not available on all supported platforms, so may not be used.
  • prototypejs: Dojo Toolkit does not access global objects of other libraries.
  • regexdash: Unescaped dash at the end of a character group is common and harmless. n.b. This option is obsolete in jshint.
  • regexp: Dot in regular expressions is common and harmless. n.b. This option is obsolete in jshint.
  • rhino: Dojo Toolkit code is not usually designed to run within Rhino environments. This may be set true with a /*jshint*/ comment for files designed to run within Rhino.
  • scripturl: It’s extremely unlikely anyone would ever do this. If they do, it’s probably for a good reason.
  • shadow: Variable shadowing is common and is preferable to generating new verbose identifier names just to avoid shadowing, especially in cases where variables from the closure are not used.
  • shelljs: Dojo Toolkit code is not usually designed to run within ShellJS environments. This may be set true with a /*jshint*/ comment for files designed to run within ShellJS.
  • smarttabs: While the toolkit uses hard tabs for indentation, it is still important to be able to sometimes align sections of indented code precisely using spaces to improve readability. Additionally, jshint has historically triggered on code comments that mix spaces and tabs, which is not desirable in any scenario.
  • strict: Strict mode is not supported across all platforms supported by the toolkit, which means that code will execute differently on different platforms if "use strict" is enabled. Furthermore, certain frameworks like .NET walk call chains using arguments.callee and will break if any function within the call chain uses "use strict". Since strict mode provides no substantial benefit when code is already being passed through a linter, its use within the toolkit is forbidden.
  • sub: Rarely, array notation is used instead of dot notation to prevent build tools from processing or mangling certain sections of code. This should be extremely uncommon in new toolkit code, however, so the more efficient dot notation is preferred for the sake of consistency. In a situation where array notation is necessary, this option may be set to true using /*jshint*/.
  • supernew: As the toolkit uses AMD modules, the creation of singletons will generally never require the use of new function syntax. However, if a situation arises where this is necessary, this option may be set to true using /*jshint*/.
  • trailing: Trailing whitespace makes the code look unprofessional.
  • undef: This option prevents the accidental creation or use of global variables.
  • unused: This option prevents the accidental creation of unused variables.
  • validthis: Since strict mode is verboten, the value of this setting does not matter, so it defaults to true (the default for jshint).
  • withstmt: The with statement prevents minification of code blocks and ruins JIT performance and so is verboten.
  • white: Because the toolkit is written by a wide variety of contributors, a mechanism for programmatically ensuring whitespace consistency is strongly needed in order to ensure that the codebase looks and feels cohesive. This is the only mechanism for ensuring whitespace consistency that is available, and its rules are not unreasonable. Therefore, it is enabled.
  • worker: Dojo Toolkit code is not usually designed to run within Web Worker environments. This may be set true with a /*jshint*/ comment for files designed to run within Web Workers.
  • wsh: Dojo Toolkit code is not usually designed to run within WSH environments. This may be set true with a /*jshint*/ comment for files designed to run within WSH.
  • yui: Dojo Toolkit does not access global objects of other libraries.
  • maxlen: Lines should be kept to 120 charaters at maximum, but sometimes it can be clearer to go just over the limit, so this may be changed with /*jshint*/ if it makes sense.
  • indent: Same rationale as white. An indent value of 4 is enforced because it is the most commonly used indent size. Since the toolkit uses hard tabs, you may set your editor to whatever indent size you prefer, but jshint will always assume that one tab equals four spaces for the purposes of code validation.
  • maxerr: Provided as a consistent default in case JSHint ever changes its default. A high value is used to allow all errors to display for all but the most badly mangled files.
  • predef: The only global variables that toolkit code should use are require and define.
  • quotmark: Same rationale as white. A single quote is enforced because it requires one fewer keystroke on standard QWERTY keyboards.
  • maxcomplexity: In order to avoid creating massive, unmaintainable functions, a default cyclomatic complexity limit of 10 is enforced on all toolkit code. If an individual function can justify an increased complexity limit, /*jshint*/ may be used within the function to increase the limit as long as a comment justifying the increase is also provided. Refactoring code that violates the complexity limit is preferred.