
An extensible crawler for downloading Android applications in third-party markets.

Primary LanguagePython

Android Apps Crawler


Android Apps Crawler is an extensible crawler for downloading Android applications in the third-party markets. It can crawl the download url addresses of applications and automatically download applications into repository.


  • Python 2.6 or up
  • Scrapy 0.22 or up: http://scrapy.org (didn't have a full test in lower version.)
  • Works on Linux, Windows, Mac OSX, BSD
  • Currently, downloader cannot work on Windows.
  • For Ubuntu users, "Don't use the python-scrapy package provided by Ubuntu, they are typically too old and slow to catch up with latest Scrapy. Instead, use the official Ubuntu Packages."


  • Set the third-party markets you want to crawl in settings.py
  • Set the proxy if you have
  • Start crawler:
./crawl.sh <market name>
  • Start downloader:
./downloader.py <database file path> <output directory>


You can set proxy, user-agen, database name, etc in crawler/android_apps_crawler/settings.py file.

Supported Third-party Markets (market names used in crawl.sh)

More Android Markets

See: https://github.com/mssun/android-markets-list


  • Windows support for downloader.
  • Crawl apps from shared cloud storage link (e.g, pan.baidu.com, dbank.com).