
QMediaPlayer is an app extension for Quasar Framework v1. It will not work with legacy versions of Quasar Framework.

This work is currently in alpha and there are expected changes while things get worked out.


This app extension has been updated to work with changes that will be released with @quasar/app - 1.0.0-beta.9. If you have not upgraded to 1.0.0-beta.9 this app extension will not work.

If you have installed before @quasar/app - 1.0.0-beta.9 then follow these before upgrading Quasar.

  1. Remove: quasar ext -r @quasar/qmediaplayer
  2. Upgrade: yarn upgrade
  3. Re-install: quasar ext add @quasar/qmediaplayer


In your Quasar project:

quasar ext add @quasar/qmediaplayer

Test Project

Can be found here.


Can be found here.

Example Code


Language Files

We need help translating the language files. They are all currently using English. If you know another language, please PR and help us out.

QMediaPlayer Vue Properties

Vue Property Type Mode Description
type String Both ['video','audio'] This determines the type of player. (Default: 'video')
color String Both One from Quasar Color Palette. It determines the color of the MediaPlayer controls. (Default: 'white')
mobile-mode Boolean Video In normal mode, the controls show/hide with mouse movements. When set to true, the controls' visibility is controlled by touch/click. (Default: false)
sources Array Both Required. This is an array of one or more objects, that looks like this: { src: 'https://your-server/your-video.mov', type: 'video/mp4' }
poster String Video The poster image to display before the video is started.
tracks Array Video This is an array of one or more objects, that looks like this: { src: 'https://your-server//path-to-subtitles-en.vtt', kind: 'subtitles', srclang: 'en', label: 'English }
track-language String Video A value that corresponds to the 'label' attribute of the 'tracks' property. This will be the default language.
preload String Both ['none', 'metadata', 'auto'] Provides a hint to the browser about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience. (Default: 'metadata').
dense Boolean Both When true displays controls window on one line.
dark Boolean Both When component is rendered on a dark background.
autoplay Boolean Both Automatically start video/audio when it is ready to play. (Default: false)
cross-origin String,null Both [null, 'anonymous', 'use-credentials']
volume Number Both A value from 0-100 (as a percentage). (Default: 60)
muted Boolean Both If the player should be muted. (Default: false)
show-big-play-button Boolean Video Show/hide the Big Play Button. (Default: true)
show-spinner Boolean Both If the spinner should be displayed while video/audio is loading. (Default: true)
controls-display-time Number Video The amount of idle time in milliseconds to wait before hiding the controls (default 2000). This is applied when the mouse cursor is within the QMediaPlayer window but has not moved.
playback-rates Array Video This is an array of one or more objects, that look like this: { label: '.5x', value: 0.5 }. Note: The default playbackRates include 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2.0."
playback-rate Number Video Corresponds to the value in playback-rates.
background-color String Both One from Quasar Color Palette. It determines the background color of the MediaPlayer. (Default: 'black')


Whether to use CORS for fetching assets.

  1. anonymous - CORS requests for this element will not have the credentials flag set.
  2. use-credentials - CORS requests for this element will have the credentials flag set; this means the request will provide credentials.
  3. null - do not use CORS.


This enumerated attribute is intended to provide a hint to the browser about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience. It may have one of the following values:

  1. none: Indicates that the audio should not be preloaded.
  2. metadata: Indicates that only audio metadata (e.g. length) is fetched.
  3. auto: Indicates that the whole audio file can be downloaded, even if the user is not expected to use it.

QMediaPlayer Vue Methods

Vue Method Mode Description
showControls() Video Show the controls.
hideControls() Video Hide the controls.
toggleControls() Video Toggle the controls.
togglePlay() Both Toggles between play/pause states.
toggleMuted() Both Toggles between mute/unmute states..
toggleFullscreen() Video Toggle fullscreen mode.
setCurrentTime(seconds) Both Set the current time of the video/audio player (in seconds).
setVolume(percent) Both Sets the volume as a percent (0-100).

QMediaPlayer Vue Events

Vue Event Mode Description
@loaded() Both Emitted when the media has been loaded.
@ready() Both Emitted when the media is ready to play. You cannot play/pause or setCurrentTime before this event.
@duration(seconds) Both Emitted when the duration of the media has been determined.
@ended() Both Emitted when the media has finished playing.
@error(MediaError) Both Emitted when the is a media error.
@paused() Both Emitted when the media is paused.
@playing() Both Emitted when the media starts playing. This will also emit after a pause or a wait.
@timeupdate(curTime, remaining) Both Emitted wenever there is a time update (during play).
@fullscreen(true/false) Video Emitted when entering/exiting fullscreen mode.
@waiting() Both Emitted when the media player goes into a wait state (typically waiting while downloading)
@showControls(true/false) Video Emitted when the Controls are toggled (show/hide).
@volume(percent) Both Emitted when the volume changes.
@muted(true/false) Both Emitted when the mute changes.

QMediaPlayer Vue Slots

Vue Slots Mode Description
old-browser Both When the browser does not support HTML5 (or has Javascript turned off).
overlay Both User to overlay any HTML over the media window.
error-window Both Used to display an error.
controls Both With this slot all of the controls can be replaced.
spinner Both With this slot the loading spinner can be replaced.
big-play-button Video With this slot the Big Play Button can be replaced.
display-time Both With this slot the display time can be replaced.
position-slider Both With this slot the positioning slider can be replaced.
duration-time Both With this slot the duration time can be replaced.
play Both With this slot the play button can be replaced.
volume Both With this slot the volume mute/unmute button can be replaced.
volume-slider Both With this slot the volume slider can be replaced.
settings Video With this slot the Settings icon can be replaced.
settings-menu Video With this slot the Settings Menu can be replaced.
fullscreen Video With this slot the Fullscreen icon can be replaced.