
Quickly find the fastest NordVPN servers, filtering by location and current server load

Primary LanguageShell

Small script to find the fastest NordVPN servers, filtering by
location and current capacity (i.e. server load).

Super useful if you use a third-party VPN client (like Viscosity)
and want to quickly find out the fastest server to connect to.

The script calls an undocumented NordVPN API endpoint for quick and
reliable results.


nordvpn-server-find -l <location> -c <capacity> -n <limit>

<location>   2-letter ISO 3166-1 country code (ex: us, uk, de)
<capacity>   current server load, integer between 1-100 (defaults to 30)
<limit>      limits number of results, integer between 1-100 (defaults to 20)


- Bash 4
- jq 1.5


Please report here:


Mattia Tezzele <info@mrzool.cc>