- 1
- 2
missing 'color: inherit' in index.css
#38 opened by keimatzmoto - 4
Oauth in multiple pages app
#10 opened by lionpeloux - 1
- 1
Make msal login button customizable
#42 opened by jjordonm - 7
- 2
- 1
- 4
Login/Logout Button sometimes Reloads uncontrollably with opening App running in Kubernetes
#14 opened by leoschmi - 1
How can we persist the login state?
#37 opened by ameen7626 - 3
Example for styling the login button
#34 opened by MarkusDressel - 1
- 2
How can I modify css?
#25 opened by ramihan - 3
Group-based access control with auto login redirect
#13 opened by cnhsn - 1
Retrieve the logged account information
#27 opened by WilianZilv - 0
Is it possible to open the authentication pop up in the same tab as the streamlit application?
#26 opened by lehu47 - 15
Moving login button to sidebar
#2 opened by hyongju - 1
Chromium Based Browsers do not close the log-out popup automatically. This means the app doesn't logout until manually closed.
#23 opened by edmcquinn - 0
Help: OIDC protocolMode is returning login_token = None using HYDRA ORY - PKCE flow
#11 opened by sagungargs15 - 7
Function not returning login Token
#9 opened by gcassimi - 5
Authentication with Azure AD
#3 opened by shars95 - 1