
Gif generator using AJAX calls to Giphy for JSON objects

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Deployed site: https://mstange22.github.io/giphy-generator/

This was homework assignment #6. Practice with jQuery AJAX calls to Giphy to request JSON objects. Also work with dynamic creation of buttons and images.

Initial buttons are generated by an array in JavaScript. Clicking on any button requests 10 gifs. A still image is displayed along with the rating. If the image is clicked, it will animate (sometimes it takes a few seconds to load the animated gif if it's made up of a lot of frames).

There's also an input field for the user to add a button by typing in a search term and clicking the add button. They can then request 10 gifs related to the newly-added search term by clicking the new button.

I added a "pop" button to remove the last button in the list.