A blazing fast state manager with network sync out of the box.
- Set and get deep nested paths
- Data listeners for watching changes
- Subscriptions for watching deep nested changes
- In-state references with special notation
- Create branches from a master state
- Minimum state diff is synchronised over web sockets
- Works both on server and browser
Here is a fully working Vue example
Here is the complete documentation (WIP)
Here is a persistency plugin for RocksDB
const { create } = require('stx')
const state = create({ firstKey: 'value' })
state.serialize() // → { firstKey: 'value' }
⚠ Default behaviour is merge.
state.set({ second: { subKey: 'subValue' } })
state.serialize() // → { firstKey: 'value', second: { subKey: 'subValue' } }
state.get('second').serialize() // → { subKey: 'subValue' }
state.set({ firstKey: null })
state.get('firstKey') // → undefined
state.serialize() // → { second: { subKey: 'subValue' } }
⚠ Paths are represented as arrays for nested keys.
const subKey = state.get(['second', 'subKey'])
subKey.compute() // → subValue
Second parameter of get is a default value for the path.
⚠ It will be set
and returned if the relative path is undefined, otherwise it will be ignored.
state.get('first', 1).compute() // → 1
state.get('first').compute() // → 1
subKey.path() // → [ 'second', 'subKey' ]
subKey.parent().serialize() // → { subKey: 'subValue' }
subKey.root().serialize() // → { second: { subKey: 'subValue' }, first: 1 }
⚠ A listener without a name is by default a data
listener. Fires on set
, remove
, add-key
, remove-key
let fired = []
state.set({ third: 3 })
const third = state.get('third')
const listener = third.on((val, stamp, item) => fired.push(`${val}-${item.compute()}`))
fired // → []
fired // → [ 'set-changed' ]
state.set({ third: 'again' })
fired // → [ 'set-changed', 'set-again' ]
third.set('yet again')
fired // → [ 'set-changed', 'set-again' ]
⚠ Events fired on a path can be listened only at exact same path.
const errors = []
state.on('error', err => errors.push(err))
state.emit('error', 'satellites are not aligned')
errors // → [ 'satellites are not aligned' ]
subKey.on('error', err => errors.push(err))
subKey.emit('error', 'splines are not reticulated')
errors // → [ 'satellites are not aligned', 'splines are not reticulated' ]
const master = create({
movies: {
runLolaRun: {
year: 1998,
imdb: 7.7,
title: 'Run Lola Run'
goodByeLenin: {
year: 2003,
imdb: 7.7,
title: 'Good Bye Lenin'
theEdukators: {
year: 2004,
imdb: 7.5,
title: 'The Edukators'
const branchA = master.create({
movies: {
runLolaRun: { favourite: true },
theEdukators: { favourite: true }
const branchB = master.create({
movies: {
goodByeLenin: { favourite: true }
master.get('userName') // → undefined
branchA.get(['movies', 'theEdukators']).serialize()
// → { favourite: true, year: 2004, imdb: 7.5, title: 'The Edukators' }
branchB.get(['movies', 'theEdukators']).serialize()
// → { year: 2004, imdb: 7.5, title: 'The Edukators' }
master.get(['movies', 'theEdukators']).serialize()
// → { year: 2004, imdb: 7.5, title: 'The Edukators' }
master.get(['movies', 'runLolaRun', 'rating'], 'R')
branchB.get(['movies', 'runLolaRun', 'rating']).compute() // → R
branchA.get(['movies', 'runLolaRun', 'rating']).compute() // → R
branchB.get(['movies', 'runLolaRun', 'rating']).set('G')
branchA.get(['movies', 'runLolaRun', 'rating']).compute() // → R
master.get(['movies', 'runLolaRun', 'rating']).set('PG')
branchA.get(['movies', 'runLolaRun', 'rating']).compute() // → PG
branchB.get(['movies', 'runLolaRun', 'rating']).compute() // → G
⚠ Events fired on master can be listened on branches and branches of branches.
fired = []
branchA.get('movies').on('reload', val => fired.push(`A-${val}`))
branchB.get('movies').on('reload', val => fired.push(`B-${val}`))
master.get('movies').emit('reload', 'now')
branchA.get('movies').emit('reload', 'later')
fired // → [ 'A-now', 'B-now', 'A-later' ]
watched: {
runLolaRun: [ '@', 'movies', 'runLolaRun' ],
goodByeLenin: [ '@', 'movies', 'goodByeLenin' ]
branchB.get([ 'watched', 'goodByeLenin', 'favourite' ]).compute() // → true
branchB.get([ 'watched', 'runLolaRun', 'favourite' ]) // → undefined
branchB.get([ 'watched', 'goodByeLenin' ]).serialize()
// → [ '@', 'movies', 'goodByeLenin' ]
branchB.get([ 'watched', 'goodByeLenin' ]).origin().serialize()
// → { favourite: true, year: 2003, imdb: 7.7, title: 'Good Bye Lenin' }
⚠ It is also possible to listen data
events explicitly.
fired = []
branchB.get([ 'watched', 'runLolaRun' ])
.on('data', (val, stamp, item) => {
branchB.get([ 'movies', 'runLolaRun' ]).set({ favourite: true })
fired // → [ 'add-key-true' ]
let count = 0
const items = create({
i1: {
title: 'Item 1',
items: {
sub2: ['@', 'i2'],
sub3: ['@', 'i3']
i2: {
title: 'Item2',
items: {
sub1: ['@', 'i1']
i3: {
title: 'Item3',
items: {
sub2: ['@', 'i2']
let subscription = items.get('i2').subscribe(() => { count++ })
count // → 1 (fired once for existing path)
i2: {
title: 'Title2'
count // → 2 (fired once more for immediate child)
title: 'Title3'
count // → 3 (fired once more for nested child)
// i2.items.sub1.items.sub3.title === i3.title
count = 0
subscription = items.get('i2').subscribe({
keys: [ 'items' ],
depth: 3
}, () => { count++ })
count // → 1 (fired once for existing path)
i2: {
title: 'Title2'
count // → 1 (did not fire for ignored key)
title: 'Title1'
count // → 2 (fired once more for 3rd level depth nested)
description: 'Description3'
count // → 2 (did not fire for more than 3rd level depth)
const server = items.listen(7171)
items.on('log', line => {
line // → Hello!
const cItems = create()
const client = cItems.connect('ws://localhost:7171')
cItems.get('i1', {}).subscribe(
{ depth: 1 },
i1 => {
if (i1.get('title')) {
cItems.serialize() // → { i1: { title: 'Title1', items: {} } }
cItems.emit('log', 'Hello!')