
International highly customizable relative date/time formatting for React

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm version

International higly customizable relative date/time formatter for React (both for past and future dates).

See Demo

Formats a date/timestamp to:

  • just now
  • 5m
  • 15 min
  • 25 minutes
  • an hour ago
  • 1 mo.
  • 5 years ago
  • … or whatever else


$ npm install react-time-ago --save

The requirement for the default exported component (the one with the tooltip component) is React >= 16 because the tooltip uses ReactDOM.createPortal(). For older React versions use the /no-tooltip export which doesn't use the tooltip component.


react-time-ago component uses javascript-time-ago library internally for generating localized relative time strings. When react-time-ago package is installed javascript-time-ago package is installed automatically with it. In the application's main file initialize javascript-time-ago library with the desired locales. By default no locales are initialized.


import JavascriptTimeAgo from 'javascript-time-ago'

// The desired locales.
import en from 'javascript-time-ago/locale/en'
import ru from 'javascript-time-ago/locale/ru'

// Initialize the desired locales.

Now <ReactTimeAgo/> component can be used on any page. The component refreshes itself every minute (by default).


import React from 'react'
import ReactTimeAgo from 'react-time-ago'

export default function LastSeen({ date }) {
  return (
      Last seen:
      <ReactTimeAgo locale="ru">


ReactTimeAgo component accepts a timeStyle property which can be:

See javascript-time-ago docs for more info on how to customize the generated output.


The default component exported from this library comes prepackaged with an optional <Tooltip/> component which displays itself "on mouse over" on desktops and "on touch down" on mobile devices. The behaviour of the tooltip is similar to that of the HTML title attribute which displays a tooltip "on mouse over". The difference that the custom tooltip also displays itself "on touch down" on mobile devices while the HTML title attribute doesn't handle mobile users in any way. That was the primary reason for going with the custom <Tooltip/> component instead of the HTML title attribute. The other reason is the requirement for custom design.

The tooltip text is a verbose date label. If Intl is supported (which is the case for all modern web browsers) then Intl.DateTimeFormat is used for formatting the label ("Thursday, January 11, 2018, 9:53:00 PM"). Otherwise, it falls back to date.toString().

import TimeAgo from 'react-time-ago'

// Tooltip CSS styles:
import 'react-time-ago/Tooltip.css'
// Also make sure that `document.body` has no `margin`
// otherwise tooltip `left` and `top` positions will be slightly off.

// Shows a verbose date tooltip on mouse over and on touch down.
<TimeAgo tooltipClassName="...">
.rrui__tooltip {
  margin-top : -0.5em;
  background-color : black;
  color : white;

.rrui__tooltip--after-show {
  opacity : 0.85;

.rrui__tooltip--before-hide {
  opacity : 0;

If the default <Tooltip/> component doesn't fit the application then use the TimeAgo export which doesn't have the <Tooltip/>:

import TimeAgo from 'react-time-ago/no-tooltip'
// No custom `<Tooltip/>` will be added,
// just a standard HTML `title` tooltip on mouse over.


When given future dates it produces the corresponding output, e.g. "in 5 minutes", "in a year", etc.


// Preferred locale.
// E.g. 'ru-RU'.
locale : PropTypes.string,

// Preferred locales (ordered).
// E.g. `['ru-RU', 'en-GB']`.
locales : PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),

// The `date` (or `timestamp`).
// E.g. `new Date()` or `1355972400000`.
children : PropTypes.oneOfType

// Date/time formatting style.
// E.g. 'twitter', 'time', or an object.
// See `javascript-time-ago` docs for more info.

// Whether HTML `tooltip` attribute should be set
// to verbosely formatted date (is `true` by default).
tooltip : PropTypes.bool.isRequired,

// An optional function returning what will be output in the HTML `title` tooltip attribute.
// (by default it's (date) => new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, {…}).format(date))
formatVerboseDate : PropTypes.func,

// `Intl.DateTimeFormat` format for the HTML `title` tooltip attribute.
// Is used when `formatVerboseDate` is not specified.
// By default outputs a verbose date.
verboseDateTimeFormat : PropTypes.object,

// How often to update all `<TimeAgo/>`s on a page.
// (once a minute by default)
updateInterval : PropTypes.number,

// Set to `false` to disable automatic refresh as time goes by.
tick : PropTypes.bool,

// React Component to wrap the resulting `<time/>` React Element.
// Receives `verboseDate` and `children` properties.
// `verboseDate` can be used for displaying verbose date label
// in an "on mouse over" (or "on touch") tooltip.
// See "./source/WithTooltip.js" for usage example.
container : PropTypes.func,

// CSS `style` object.
// E.g. `{ color: white }`.
style : PropTypes.object,

// CSS class name
className : PropTypes.string
