Primary LanguageC#



The project was designed based on microservice architecture. Accordingly, the project includes 3 main microservices and 1 BFF (Back-End for Front-End) service.


Account Service (API):

Account Service is created to handle the user's requirements related to account transactions.


> http://localhost:3201/swagger

> https://localhost:3202/swagger

Transaction Service (API):

Transaction Service is created to handle the requirements related to the transaction operations of the user's accounts.


> http://localhost:3205/swagger

> https://localhost:3206/swagger

User Service (API):

User Service is created to handle the requirements related to user transactions.


> http://localhost:3203/swagger

> https://localhost:3204/swagger


BFF Service is created to meet the requirements of the interface (front-end) application.


> http://localhost:3299/swagger

> https://localhost:3298/swagger

Logging and Monitoring Services


System logs are configured to be stored on ElasticSearch.


> http://localhost:9200


Kibana is configured to monitor system logs.


> http://localhost:5601

How to Test?

NOTE: All services must be running in order to fully test the project.

There is a simple data in the memory for test case:


  • Id (UserId): 1000001
  • Name: Mustafa
  • Surname: Çiçek


  • Id: 2000001
  • CustomerId: 1000001


  • Id: 3000001
  • AccountId: 2000001
  • Amount: 1000
  • TransactionType: Deposit

Manual Test

To create a new account via the BFF API, a request can be made as follows:

End Point: POST /api/accounts

Request Body:

  "customerId": 1000001,
  "amount": 1000,
  "transactionType": 1

To retrieve the accounts and transactions of a user (customer) via the BFF API, a request can be made as follows.

End Point: GET /api/users/{userId}

Request Body:

Change the {userId} with: 1000001

Response Body:

  "user": {
    "userId": 1000001,
    "name": "Mustafa",
    "surname": "Çiçek",
    "accounts": [
        "accountId": 2000001,
        "transactions": [
            "transactionId": 3000001,
            "amount": 1000,
            "transactionType": 1

How To Run?

Basically: Swagger integration has been done in all projects. It automatically redirects when run directly with Rider or Visual Studio. Otherwise, the API documentation can be accessed by typing "/swagger" at the end of the URL.


Alternatively, the project can be run using the following methods.

PowerShell (Windows):

Open a terminal and go to the Solution directory of the project. You can use the PowerShell command file named "RunAllProjects.ps1" in this directory.

You can find instructions within the script.


PS: Also, you can use the test command file "RunAllTests.ps1" to run all Unit Tests.


Bash (Unix):

Open a terminal and go to the Solution directory of the project. You can use the Bash command file named "RunAllProjects.ps1" in this directory.

You can find instructions within the script.


PS: Also, you can use the test command file "RunAllTests.sh" to run all Unit Tests.



Open a terminal and go to the Solution directory of the project. You can use the Docker-Compose file named "docker-compose.yaml" in this directory.

You can find instructions within the script.

docker-compose up -d


Open a terminal and go to the API directory of the each project. You can use the file named "deployment.yaml" in the directory.

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

Framework and Tools

Pattern and Practices

Storages & Monitoring

Other Challenge Projects (for Reference)