#Steps for deploying app on fly.io

Run the Powershell install script:

iwr https://fly.io/install.ps1 -useb | iex

After installing fly.io

If it’s your first time using Fly.io, you’ll need to sign up for an account. To do so, run: flyctl auth signup All you need to do now is sign in with : flyctl auth login Launch an App on Fly flyctl launch --region ord --name mstitane-phonebook-2022 --build-only with :

  • --name a name of your domain
  • --region The target region (see 'flyctl platform regions')

add env variables : flyctl secrets set MONGODB_URI='mongodb+srv://mstitane:${pass}@cluster0.eyyfo0t.mongodb.net/phoneBook?retryWrites=true&w=majority' flyctl secrets set PORT=8080

deploy it using : flyctl deploy

open in browser using : flyctl open
