
iOS (swift) application with a FAQ demo for snowmanlabs

Primary LanguageSwift

Snowmanlabs FAQ Demo

iOS demo application to display a FAQ example

Project Description

Basic demonstration of a FAQ screen, where the user can also create a new question/answer. The FAQ screen also contains a searchbar. Each FAQ item should contain:

  1. Question;
  2. Answer when expanded (clicked);

Besides the listed basic info that the application will show, it must also fulfill the following requisites:

  1. The application must be written in Swift;
  2. The application should store data locally;
  3. Backend service is optional;

User stories

  1. As a user, I want to view the list of questions/answers (FAQ).
  2. As a user, I want to click on a question and want the answer to be showed.
  3. As a user, I want to be able to search for questions/answers.
  4. As a user, I want to be able to create a new question/answer.
  5. As a user, I want to be able to add a color to my question/answer.


  1. There are no pods on this project, so no need to run podinstall or any dependecy manager;
  2. App was mainly developed for iPhone, but also has a layout for iPad, not tested 100%
  3. At the first execution, the app will create a local database using default FAQ's questions listed on a json file. So, after unnistalling app, the questions are reseted to default ones


  1. My user had no access to download content or get colors/font sizes/constraints from the provided layout website. So the layout may differ a litle from the one provided.
  2. To show question answer on FAQ screen, the click is being handled by the arrow on each cell, not by a click on the cell itself. This is how I understood it was supposed to be, but can be easily changed to cell click.