
Get started

  1. Bootstrap the project
  1. Build the docker image
make image


The image does not build because of build constraints on the package github.com/celo-org/celo-bls-go.

Step 7/14 : RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -mod vendor -a -installsuffix nocgo -o /app cmd/main.go
 ---> Running in 88a8d8b27a6f
package command-line-arguments
        imports github.com/celo-org/celo-blockchain/core/types
        imports github.com/celo-org/celo-blockchain/crypto/bls
        imports github.com/celo-org/celo-bls-go/bls: build constraints exclude all Go files in /proxy/vendor/github.com/celo-org/celo-bls-go/bls

It seems to be related to C dependencies. More details here