Prometheus Workshop


software name recommended version
docker 20.10.12
docker-compose 1.29.2

The versions of the software does not have to match exactly. However, recommended versions have been proven to work.


Execute ./ -f command to and start up prometheus, alertmanager and a mock service containers.

Execute ./ to do the same but additionally check the test results beforehand.

The mock server will provide some dummy metrics that you can test your promql expressions against.


In the rules directory you will find various test files. To make them pass, you have to provide appropriate recording rules or alerting rules which configure the expected behaviour. That rule file has have a specific name. If the test file's path is, for example, rules/alerts/some-alert.test.yml then the rule file's path should be rules/alerts/some-alert.yml.

Implement an alert based on service availability

Rule file path: rules/alerts/instance-health-rules.yml

Whenever there is a service instance not available for 2 minutes or more, an alert called Instance_Down should be raised.


  • use for to trigger alert only if a condition lasts for a certain amount of time
  • use a build in labels variable to reference labels from a given expression

Implement an alert based on service response codes

Rule file path: rules/alerts/errors-rules.yml

Whenever the rate of errors is over 25%, an alert called High_Error_Rate should be raised.


  • use a build in value variable to reference the value of a given expression
  • convert the value into percents to improve human readibility

Implement a recording rule based on service response latency histogram

Rule file path: rules/recording/ovp-metrics-rules.yml

There should be three metrics derived from a histogram called z_application_latency_seconds_bucket:

  • application_latency_50 (the 50th percentile of response times)
  • application_latency_98 (the 98th percentile of response times)
  • application_response_rate (responses produced a minute)


  • use histogram_quantile function for the quantiles calculation
  • use the metric with le="+Inf" label to derive the response rate